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zero-dependency JavaScript image manipulation
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import {Frame, GIF} from '../ImageScript.js';import {equals} from '';
const panic = message => { console.error(message); process.exit(1);};
(async () => { const frames = []; for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) { const frame = new Frame(256, 256); frame.fill(x => Frame.hslToColor(x / frame.width + i / 30, 1, 0.5)); frames.push(frame); }
const gif = new GIF(frames);
{ const encoded = await gif.encode(); const desired = await Deno.readFile('./tests/targets/gif.gif'); if (!equals(desired, encoded)) panic('encoding failed'); }
{ const binary = await Deno.readFile('./tests/targets/gif.gif'); const decoded = await GIF.decode(binary); if (decoded.width !== gif.width) panic('decode: incorrect width'); if (decoded.height !== gif.height) panic('decode: incorrect width'); if (decoded.length !== gif.length) panic('decode: incorrect frame count');
for (let i = 0; i < gif.length; i++) { if (gif[i].bitmap.length !== decoded[i].bitmap.length) panic('decode: incorrect frame bitmap length'); } }})();