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zero-dependency JavaScript image manipulation
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import {Image} from '../ImageScript.js';import {equals} from "";
(async () => { const [backgroundSVG, avatarBinary, badges, font] = await Promise.all([ Deno.readFile('./tests/svgs/background.svg').then(b => Deno.core.decode(b)), Deno.readFile('./tests/targets/external.png'), Promise.all( [ 'crown', 'potato', 'mask', 'microbe', 'petri_dish', 'thermometer', 'cigarette' ].map( x => Deno.readFile(`./tests/svgs/${x}.svg`) .then(b => Deno.core.decode(b))) ), Deno.readFile('./tests/fonts/carbon phyber.ttf') ]);
const image = new Image(1000, 700);
const backgroundPattern = await Image.renderSVG(backgroundSVG); for (let xOffset = 0; xOffset < image.width; xOffset += backgroundPattern.width) { for (let yOffset = 0; yOffset < image.height; yOffset += backgroundPattern.height) { image.composite(backgroundPattern, xOffset, yOffset); } }
const avatarBG = new Image(200 + 16, 200 + 16); const avatarGradient = Image.gradient({0: 0x00ffffff, 1: 0x0080ffff}); avatarBG.fill((x, y) => avatarGradient((x + y) / (avatarBG.width + avatarBG.height))); image.composite(avatarBG.cropCircle(), 0.05 * image.width, 0.05 * image.height);
const avatar = await Image.decode(avatarBinary); image.composite(avatar.resize(200, 200).cropCircle(), 0.05 * image.width + 8, 0.05 * image.height + 8);
const username = await Image.renderText(font, 64, 'matmen', 0xffffffff); image.composite(username, 0.3 * image.width, 0.05 * image.height);
image.drawBox(0.3 * image.width, 0.05 * image.height + username.height, username.width, 3, 0x808080ff);
const discriminator = await Image.renderText(font, 48, '#9984', 0xd0d0d0ff); image.composite(discriminator, 0.3 * image.width, 0.05 * image.height + username.height);
// Global XP { const xpBarBackground = new Image(0.9 * image.width, 0.05 * image.height); xpBarBackground.fill(0xa0a0a0ff); image.composite(xpBarBackground.roundCorners(16), 0.05 * image.width, 0.5 * image.height);
const xpBar = new Image(69 / 420 * xpBarBackground.width, 0.05 * image.height); const xpGradient = Image.gradient({0: 0x0080ffff, .8: 0x00ffffff, 1: 0x00ff80ff}); xpBar.fill(x => xpGradient(x / xpBarBackground.width)); image.composite(xpBar.roundCorners(16), 0.05 * image.width, 0.5 * image.height);
const xpText = await Image.renderText(font, 32, '69/420', 0xff); image.composite(xpText, 0.05 * image.width + xpBarBackground.width / 2 - xpText.width / 2, 0.5 * image.height + xpBarBackground.height / 2 - xpText.height / 2);
const levelText = await Image.renderText(font, 32, 'Level 3', 0xffffffff); image.composite(levelText, 0.05 * image.width + xpBarBackground.width - levelText.width, 0.5 * image.height - levelText.height);
const xpKindText = await Image.renderText(font, 32, 'Global XP', 0xffffffff); image.composite(xpKindText, 0.05 * image.width, 0.5 * image.height - levelText.height); }
// Server XP { const xpBarBackground = new Image(0.9 * image.width, 0.05 * image.height); xpBarBackground.fill(0xa0a0a0ff); image.composite(xpBarBackground.roundCorners(16), 0.05 * image.width, 0.65 * image.height);
const xpBar = new Image(75 / 100 * xpBarBackground.width, 0.05 * image.height); const xpGradient = Image.gradient({0: 0x0080ffff, .8: 0x00ffffff, 1: 0x00ff80ff}); xpBar.fill(x => xpGradient(x / xpBarBackground.width)); image.composite(xpBar.roundCorners(16), 0.05 * image.width, 0.65 * image.height);
const xpText = await Image.renderText(font, 32, '75/100', 0xff); image.composite(xpText, 0.05 * image.width + xpBarBackground.width / 2 - xpText.width / 2, 0.65 * image.height + xpBarBackground.height / 2 - xpText.height / 2);
const levelText = await Image.renderText(font, 32, 'Level 1', 0xffffffff); image.composite(levelText, 0.05 * image.width + xpBarBackground.width - levelText.width, 0.65 * image.height - levelText.height);
const xpKindText = await Image.renderText(font, 32, 'Server XP', 0xffffffff); image.composite(xpKindText, 0.05 * image.width, 0.65 * image.height - levelText.height); }
const badgeBackground = new Image(...Array(2).fill(Math.sqrt(64 ** 2 * 2))); badgeBackground.fill(0xa0a0a080); badgeBackground.cropCircle(); for (let i = 0; i < badges.length; i++) { image.composite(badgeBackground, 0.05 * image.width + 0.9 * image.width / badges.length * i, 0.8 * image.height);
const badge = await Image.renderSVG(badges[i], 64, Image.SVG_MODE_WIDTH); if (i >= 3) badge.saturation(0);
image.composite( badge, 0.05 * image.width + 0.9 * image.width / badges.length * i + (badgeBackground.width - badge.width) / 2, 0.8 * image.height + (badgeBackground.height - badge.height) / 2 ); }
const encoded = await image.encode();
if (!equals(await Deno.readFile('./tests/targets/readme.png'), encoded)) Deno.exit(1);})();