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zero-dependency JavaScript image manipulation
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let wasm_mod;const streams = new Map;let ref = { deref() {} };const utf8encoder = new TextEncoder;
{ const path = new URL(import.meta.url.replace('.js', '.wasm')); wasm_mod = new WebAssembly.Module(await ('file:' === path.protocol ? Deno.readFile(path) : fetch(path).then(r => r.arrayBuffer())));}
function wasm() { return ref.deref() || (ref = new WeakRef(new WebAssembly.Instance(wasm_mod, { env: { push_to_stream(id, ptr) { streams.get(id).cb(mem.u8(ptr, mem.length()).slice()); }, }, }).exports)).deref();}
class mem { static length() { return wasm().wlen(); } static alloc(size) { return wasm().walloc(size); } static free(ptr, size) { return wasm().wfree(ptr, size); } static u8(ptr, size) { return new Uint8Array(wasm().memory.buffer, ptr, size); } static u32(ptr, size) { return new Uint32Array(wasm().memory.buffer, ptr, size); }
static copy_and_free(ptr, size) { let slice = mem.u8(ptr, size).slice(); return (wasm().wfree(ptr, size), slice); }}
export class Encoder { constructor(width, height, loops = -1) { this.slices = []; this._w = wasm(); streams.set(0, this); this.ptr = wasm().encoder_new(0, width, height, loops); }
cb(buffer) { this.slices.push(buffer); }
free() { this.ptr = wasm().encoder_free(this.ptr); streams.delete(0); }
u8() {; let offset = 0; const u8 = new Uint8Array(this.slices.reduce((sum, array) => sum + array.length, 0));
for (const x of this.slices) { u8.set(x, offset); offset += x.length; }
return u8; }
add(x, y, delay, width, height, buffer, dispose, quality) { const ptr = mem.alloc(buffer.length); mem.u8(ptr, buffer.length).set(buffer); wasm().encoder_add(this.ptr, ptr, buffer.length, x, y, width, height, delay, dispose, quality); }
set comment(comment) { const buffer = utf8encoder.encode(comment);
const ptr = mem.alloc(buffer.length); mem.u8(ptr, buffer.length).set(buffer); wasm().encoder_add_comment(this.ptr, ptr, buffer.length); }
set application(application) { const buffer = utf8encoder.encode(application);
const ptr = mem.alloc(buffer.length); mem.u8(ptr, buffer.length).set(buffer); wasm().encoder_add_application(this.ptr, ptr, buffer.length); }}
export class Decoder { constructor(buffer, limit = 0) { this._w = wasm(); const bptr = mem.alloc(buffer.length); mem.u8(bptr, buffer.length).set(buffer); this.ptr = wasm().decoder_new(bptr, buffer.length, limit); if (0 === this.ptr) throw new Error('gif: failed to parse gif header');
this.width = wasm().decoder_width(this.ptr); this.height = wasm().decoder_height(this.ptr); }
free() { this.ptr = wasm().decoder_free(this.ptr); }
*frames() { let frame; while (frame = this.frame()) yield frame; }
frame() { const ptr = wasm().decoder_frame(this.ptr);
if (1 === ptr) return null; if (0 === ptr) throw (, new Error('gif: failed to decode frame'));
const framebuffer = { x: wasm().decoder_frame_x(ptr), y: wasm().decoder_frame_y(ptr), delay: wasm().decoder_frame_delay(ptr), width: wasm().decoder_frame_width(ptr), height: wasm().decoder_frame_height(ptr), dispose: wasm().decoder_frame_dispose(ptr), buffer: mem.u8(wasm().decoder_frame_buffer(ptr), mem.length()).slice(), };
return (wasm().decoder_frame_free(ptr), framebuffer); }}