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#[inline(always)] const unsafe fn unreachable() -> ! { std::hint::unreachable_unchecked(); }#[inline] fn alloc(size: usize) -> *mut u8 { unsafe { return std::alloc::alloc(alloc_align(size)); } }#[inline] fn free(ptr: *mut u8, size: usize) { unsafe { std::alloc::dealloc(ptr, alloc_align(size)); } }#[inline] fn calloc(size: usize) -> *mut u8 { unsafe { return std::alloc::alloc_zeroed(alloc_align(size)); } }#[inline] const fn alloc_align(size: usize) -> std::alloc::Layout { return unsafe { std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, 16) }; }
type fb = framebuffer;
pub struct framebuffer { pub width: usize, pub height: usize, ptr: (bool, *mut u8),}
unsafe impl Send for framebuffer {}unsafe impl Sync for framebuffer {}
impl Drop for framebuffer { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.ptr.0 { free(self.ptr_mut(), self.len()); } }}
impl Clone for framebuffer { fn clone(&self) -> Self { let ptr = alloc(self.len()); unsafe { self.ptr.1.copy_to_nonoverlapping(ptr, self.len()); } return Self { width: self.width, height: self.height, ptr: (true, ptr) }; }}
impl framebuffer { pub fn new(width: usize, height: usize) -> Self { return Self { width, height, ptr: (true, calloc(4 * width * height)) }; } pub const unsafe fn from_ptr(width: usize, height: usize, ptr: *mut u8) -> Self { return Self { width, height, ptr: (false, ptr) }; } pub unsafe fn new_fast(width: usize, height: usize) -> Self { return Self { width, height, ptr: (true, alloc(4 * width * height)) }; } pub const unsafe fn from(width: usize, height: usize, buffer: &[u8]) -> Self { return Self { width, height, ptr: (false, buffer.as_ptr() as _) }; } pub unsafe fn from_mut(width: usize, height: usize, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Self { return Self { width, height, ptr: (false, buffer.as_mut_ptr()) }; }
pub fn ptr_mut<T>(&mut self) -> *mut T { return self.ptr.1 as *mut T; } pub const fn ptr<T>(&self) -> *const T { return self.ptr.1 as *const T; } pub const fn len(&self) -> usize { return 4 * self.width * self.height; } pub fn slice<T>(&self) -> &[T] { return unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr(), self.len() / std::mem::size_of::<T>()) }; } pub fn set(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize, color: colors::rgba) { unsafe { *self.ptr_mut::<u32>().add(x + y * self.width) = color.into() }; } pub fn get(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> colors::rgba { return unsafe { std::mem::transmute(*self.ptr::<u32>().add(x + y * self.width)) }; } pub fn slice_mut<T>(&mut self) -> &mut [T] { return unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.ptr_mut(), self.len() / std::mem::size_of::<T>()) }; } pub fn vec<T>(mut self) -> Vec<T> { self.ptr.0 = false; return unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(self.ptr.1 as *mut T, self.len() / std::mem::size_of::<T>(), alloc_align(self.len()).size() / std::mem::size_of::<T>()) }; }}
pub mod colors { #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct rgb { pub r: u8, pub g: u8, pub b: u8 } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct rgba { pub r: u8, pub g: u8, pub b: u8, pub a: u8 }
impl From<rgba> for rgb { #[inline] fn from(c: rgba) -> rgb { return rgb { r: c.r, g: c.g, b: c.b }; } }
impl From<rgb> for rgba { #[inline] fn from(c: rgb) -> rgba { return rgba { r: c.r, g: c.g, b: c.b, a: 255 }; } }
impl From<rgb> for u32 { #[inline] fn from(c: rgb) -> u32 { return c.r as u32 | ((c.g as u32) << 8) | ((c.b as u32) << 16) | (255 << 24); } }
impl From<rgba> for u32 { #[inline] fn from(c: rgba) -> u32 { return c.r as u32 | ((c.g as u32) << 8) | ((c.b as u32) << 16) | ((c.a as u32) << 24); } }
impl From<u32> for rgb { #[inline] fn from(c: u32) -> rgb { return rgb { r: (c & 0xFF) as u8, g: ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8, b: ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) as u8 }; } }
impl From<u32> for rgba { #[inline] fn from(c: u32) -> rgba { return rgba { r: (c & 0xFF) as u8, g: ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8, b: ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) as u8, a: (c >> 24) as u8 }; } }
pub fn blend(bg: u32, fg: u32) -> u32 { let fa = fg >> 24; let alpha = 1 + fa; let inv_alpha = 256 - fa; let r = (alpha * (fg & 0xff) + inv_alpha * (bg & 0xff)) >> 8; let g = (alpha * ((fg >> 8) & 0xff) + inv_alpha * ((bg >> 8) & 0xff)) >> 8; let b = (alpha * ((fg >> 16) & 0xff) + inv_alpha * ((bg >> 16) & 0xff)) >> 8; return r | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | ((b & 0xff) << 16) | (fa.max(bg >> 24) << 24); }}
pub mod ops { use super::*;
pub mod filter { use super::*;
pub fn opacity(fb: &mut fb, mut amount: f32) { amount = amount.clamp(0.0, 1.0); let u8 = unsafe { fb.ptr_mut::<u8>().offset(3) };
let mut offset = 0; let len = fb.len(); while len > offset { use std::intrinsics::{fmul_fast as fm, float_to_int_unchecked as fi}; unsafe { *u8.add(offset) = fi::<f32, u8>(fm(amount, *u8.add(offset) as f32)); }
offset += 4; } }
pub fn brightness(fb: &mut fb, amount: f32) { let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>();
for o in 0..(fb.len() / 4) { unsafe { use std::intrinsics::{fmul_fast as fm, float_to_int_unchecked as fi};
let c = *u32.add(o); let r = fi::<f32, u32>(fm(amount, (c & 0xff) as f32)).min(255); let g = fi::<f32, u32>(fm(amount, ((c >> 8) & 0xff) as f32)).min(255); let b = fi::<f32, u32>(fm(amount, ((c >> 16) & 0xff) as f32)).min(255);
*u32.add(o) = r | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (c >> 24 << 24); } } }
pub fn contrast(fb: &mut fb, amount: f32) { let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); let i = 255.0 * (0.5 - (0.5 * amount));
for o in 0..(fb.len() / 4) { unsafe { use std::intrinsics::{fadd_fast as fa, fmul_fast as fm, float_to_int_unchecked as fi};
let c = *u32.add(o); let r = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(i, fm(amount, (c & 0xff) as f32))).min(255); let g = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(i, fm(amount, ((c >> 8) & 0xff) as f32))).min(255); let b = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(i, fm(amount, ((c >> 16) & 0xff) as f32))).min(255);
*u32.add(o) = r | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (c >> 24 << 24); } } }
pub fn saturate(fb: &mut fb, amount: f32) { let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>();
let filter: [f32; 9] = [ 0.213 + 0.787 * amount, 0.715 - 0.715 * amount, 0.072 - 0.072 * amount, 0.213 - 0.213 * amount, 0.715 + 0.285 * amount, 0.072 - 0.072 * amount, 0.213 - 0.213 * amount, 0.715 - 0.715 * amount, 0.072 + 0.928 * amount, ];
for o in 0..(fb.len() / 4) { unsafe { use std::intrinsics::{fadd_fast as fa, fmul_fast as fm, float_to_int_unchecked as fi};
let c = *u32.add(o); let rr = (c & 0xff) as f32; let gg = ((c >> 8) & 0xff) as f32; let bb = ((c >> 16) & 0xff) as f32; let r = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[0]), fa(fm(gg, filter[1]), fm(bb, filter[2])))).clamp(0, 255); let g = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[3]), fa(fm(gg, filter[4]), fm(bb, filter[5])))).clamp(0, 255); let b = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[6]), fa(fm(gg, filter[7]), fm(bb, filter[8])))).clamp(0, 255);
*u32.add(o) = r | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (c >> 24 << 24); } } }
pub fn sepia(fb: &mut fb, mut amount: f32) { let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); amount = (1.0 - amount).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
let filter: [f32; 9] = [ 0.393 + 0.607 * amount, 0.769 - 0.769 * amount, 0.189 - 0.189 * amount, 0.349 - 0.349 * amount, 0.686 + 0.314 * amount, 0.168 - 0.168 * amount, 0.272 - 0.272 * amount, 0.534 - 0.534 * amount, 0.131 + 0.869 * amount, ];
for o in 0..(fb.len() / 4) { unsafe { use std::intrinsics::{fadd_fast as fa, fmul_fast as fm, float_to_int_unchecked as fi};
let c = *u32.add(o); let rr = (c & 0xff) as f32; let gg = ((c >> 8) & 0xff) as f32; let bb = ((c >> 16) & 0xff) as f32; let r = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[0]), fa(fm(gg, filter[1]), fm(bb, filter[2])))).clamp(0, 255); let g = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[3]), fa(fm(gg, filter[4]), fm(bb, filter[5])))).clamp(0, 255); let b = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[6]), fa(fm(gg, filter[7]), fm(bb, filter[8])))).clamp(0, 255);
*u32.add(o) = r | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (c >> 24 << 24); } } }
pub fn grayscale(fb: &mut fb, mut amount: f32) { let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); amount = (1.0 - amount).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
let filter: [f32; 9] = [ 0.2126 + 0.7874 * amount, 0.7152 - 0.7152 * amount, 0.0722 - 0.0722 * amount, 0.2126 - 0.2126 * amount, 0.7152 + 0.2848 * amount, 0.0722 - 0.0722 * amount, 0.2126 - 0.2126 * amount, 0.7152 - 0.7152 * amount, 0.0722 + 0.9278 * amount, ];
for o in 0..(fb.len() / 4) { unsafe { use std::intrinsics::{fadd_fast as fa, fmul_fast as fm, float_to_int_unchecked as fi};
let c = *u32.add(o); let rr = (c & 0xff) as f32; let gg = ((c >> 8) & 0xff) as f32; let bb = ((c >> 16) & 0xff) as f32; let r = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[0]), fa(fm(gg, filter[1]), fm(bb, filter[2])))).clamp(0, 255); let g = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[3]), fa(fm(gg, filter[4]), fm(bb, filter[5])))).clamp(0, 255); let b = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[6]), fa(fm(gg, filter[7]), fm(bb, filter[8])))).clamp(0, 255);
*u32.add(o) = r | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (c >> 24 << 24); } } }
pub fn hue_rotate(fb: &mut fb, deg: f32) { let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); let cos = f32::cos(deg.to_radians()); let sin = f32::sin(deg.to_radians());
let filter: [f32; 9] = [ 0.213 + cos * 0.787 - sin * 0.213, 0.715 - cos * 0.715 - sin * 0.715, 0.072 - cos * 0.072 + sin * 0.928, 0.213 - cos * 0.213 + sin * 0.143, 0.715 + cos * 0.285 + sin * 0.140, 0.072 - cos * 0.072 - sin * 0.283, 0.213 - cos * 0.213 - sin * 0.787, 0.715 - cos * 0.715 + sin * 0.715, 0.072 + cos * 0.928 + sin * 0.072, ];
for o in 0..(fb.len() / 4) { unsafe { use std::intrinsics::{fadd_fast as fa, fmul_fast as fm, float_to_int_unchecked as fi};
let c = *u32.add(o); let rr = (c & 0xff) as f32; let gg = ((c >> 8) & 0xff) as f32; let bb = ((c >> 16) & 0xff) as f32; let r = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[0]), fa(fm(gg, filter[1]), fm(bb, filter[2])))).clamp(0, 255); let g = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[3]), fa(fm(gg, filter[4]), fm(bb, filter[5])))).clamp(0, 255); let b = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(rr, filter[6]), fa(fm(gg, filter[7]), fm(bb, filter[8])))).clamp(0, 255);
*u32.add(o) = r | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (c >> 24 << 24); } } }
pub fn drop_shadow(fb: &mut fb, x: isize, y: isize, sigma: f32, color: Option<colors::rgba>) { let mut old = fb.clone(); let u32 = old.ptr_mut::<u32>(); ops::blur::gaussian(&mut old, sigma);
if color.is_some() { unsafe { let cc: u32 = color.unwrap_unchecked().into();
let ca = cc >> 24; let cc = cc & 0xffffff;
for o in 0..(fb.len() / 4) { let c = *u32.add(o); if 0 != (c >> 24) { *u32.add(o) = cc | (c >> 24 << 24) } }
if ca != 255 { ops::filter::opacity(&mut old, 1.0 / 255.0 * ca as f32); } } }
ops::overlay::background(fb, &old, x, y); }
pub fn invert(fb: &mut fb, mut amount: f32) { let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); amount = amount.clamp(0.0, 1.0);
if 1.0 == amount { for o in 0..(fb.len() / 4) { unsafe { let c = *u32.add(o); *u32.add(o) = !c & 0xffffff | (c >> 24 << 24); } } }
else { let inv = 1.0 - amount;
for o in 0..(fb.len() / 4) { use std::intrinsics::{fadd_fast as fa, fsub_fast as fs, fmul_fast as fm, float_to_int_unchecked as fi};
unsafe { let c = *u32.add(o); let r = (c & 0xff) as f32; let g = ((c >> 8) & 0xff) as f32; let b = ((c >> 16) & 0xff) as f32; let r = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(r, amount), fm(inv, fs(255.0, r)))); let g = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(g, amount), fm(inv, fs(255.0, g)))); let b = fi::<f32, u32>(fa(fm(b, amount), fm(inv, fs(255.0, b)))); *u32.add(o) = r | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | ((b & 0xff) << 16) | (c >> 24 << 24); } } } } }
pub mod crop { use super::*; use std::ops::Neg;
pub fn r#box(fb: &fb, x: isize, y: isize, width: usize, height: usize) -> fb { let old = fb; let mut fb = fb::new(width, height); ops::overlay::replace(&mut fb, old, x.neg(), y.neg());
return fb; } }
pub mod flip { use super::*;
pub fn horizontal(fb: &mut fb) { let width = fb.width; let height = fb.height; let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); for y in 0..height { unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(u32.add(y * width), width).reverse(); } } }
pub fn vertical(fb: &mut fb) { let width = fb.width; let height = fb.height; let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>();
for y in 0..(height / 2) { let yoffset = y * width; let yboffset = width * (height - 1 - y); for x in 0..width { unsafe { std::ptr::swap(u32.add(x + yoffset), u32.add(x + yboffset)) }; } } } }
pub mod fill { use super::*;
pub fn function<F>(fb: &mut fb, f: F) where F: Fn(usize, usize) -> u32 { let width = fb.width; let height = fb.height; let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>();
for y in 0..height { let yoffset = y * width; for x in 0..width { unsafe { *u32.add(x + yoffset) = f(x, y); } } } }
pub fn color(fb: &mut fb, color: colors::rgba) { if color.r == color.g && color.r == color.b && color.r == color.a { unsafe { fb.ptr_mut::<u8>().write_bytes(color.r, fb.len()); } }
else { let width = fb.width; let height = fb.height; let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(u32, width).fill(color.into()); } for y in 1..height { unsafe { u32.copy_to_nonoverlapping(u32.add(y * width), width); } } } }
pub fn background(fb: &mut fb, color: colors::rgba) { let width = fb.width; let bg = color.into(); let height = fb.height; let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>();
for y in 0..height { let yoffset = y * width;
for x in 0..width { unsafe { let fg = *u32.add(x + yoffset);
match (fg >> 24) & 0xff { 0xff => {}, 0x00 => *u32.add(x + yoffset) = bg, _ => *u32.add(x + yoffset) = colors::blend(bg, fg), } } } } } }
pub mod rotate { use super::*;
pub fn rotate180(fb: &mut fb) { fb.slice_mut::<u32>().reverse(); }
pub fn rotate90(fb: &mut fb) { let width = fb.width; let height = fb.height; let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); let o32 = alloc(fb.len()) as *mut u32; unsafe { u32.copy_to_nonoverlapping(o32, fb.len() / 4); }

fb.width = height; fb.height = width;
for y in 0..height { let yoffset = y * width; let heighty1 = height - 1 - y; for x in 0..width { unsafe { *u32.add(heighty1 + x * height) = *o32.add(x + yoffset); } } }
free(o32 as *mut u8, fb.len()); }
pub fn rotate270(fb: &mut fb) { let width = fb.width; let height = fb.height; let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); let o32 = alloc(fb.len()) as *mut u32; unsafe { u32.copy_to_nonoverlapping(o32, fb.len() / 4); }
fb.width = height; fb.height = width;
for y in 0..height { let yoffset = y * width; for x in 0..width { unsafe { *u32.add(y + height * (width - 1 - x)) = *o32.add(x + yoffset); } } }
free(o32 as *mut u8, fb.len()); } }
pub mod overlay { use super::*;
pub fn replace(fb: &mut fb, fg: &fb, x: isize, y: isize) { let f32 = fg.ptr::<u32>(); let b32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); let (bw, bh) = (fb.width as isize, fb.height as isize); let (fw, fh) = (fg.width as isize, fg.height as isize);
let top = y.max(0); let left = x.max(0); let ox = x.min(0).abs(); let oy = y.min(0).abs(); let width = bw.min(x + fw) - left; let height = bh.min(y + fh) - top; if 0 >= width || 0 >= height { return; }
for yy in 0..height { let yyoffset = ox + fw * (yy + oy); let yoffset = left + bw * (yy + top); unsafe { b32.offset(yoffset).copy_from(f32.offset(yyoffset), width as usize); } } }
pub fn blend(fb: &mut fb, fg: &fb, x: isize, y: isize) { let f32 = fg.ptr::<u32>(); let b32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); let (bw, bh) = (fb.width as isize, fb.height as isize); let (fw, fh) = (fg.width as isize, fg.height as isize);
let top = y.max(0); let left = x.max(0); let ox = x.min(0).abs(); let oy = y.min(0).abs(); let width = bw.min(x + fw) - left; let height = bh.min(y + fh) - top; if 0 >= width || 0 >= height { return; }
for yy in 0..height { let yyoffset = ox + fw * (yy + oy); let yoffset = left + bw * (yy + top);
for xx in 0..width { unsafe { let fg = *f32.offset(xx + yyoffset);
match fg >> 24 { 0x00 => {}, 0xff => *b32.offset(xx + yoffset) = fg,
fa => { let alpha = 1 + fa; let inv_alpha = 256 - fa; let bg = *b32.offset(xx + yoffset); let r = (alpha * (fg & 0xff) + inv_alpha * (bg & 0xff)) >> 8; let g = (alpha * ((fg >> 8) & 0xff) + inv_alpha * ((bg >> 8) & 0xff)) >> 8; let b = (alpha * ((fg >> 16) & 0xff) + inv_alpha * ((bg >> 16) & 0xff)) >> 8; *b32.offset(xx + yoffset) = r | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | ((b & 0xff) << 16) | (fa.max(bg >> 24) << 24); }, } } } } }
pub fn background(fb: &mut fb, bg: &fb, x: isize, y: isize) { let bb32 = bg.ptr::<u32>(); let b32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); let (bw, bh) = (fb.width as isize, fb.height as isize); let (fw, fh) = (bg.width as isize, bg.height as isize);
let top = y.max(0); let left = x.max(0); let ox = x.min(0).abs(); let oy = y.min(0).abs(); let width = bw.min(x + fw) - left; let height = bh.min(y + fh) - top; if 0 >= width || 0 >= height { return; }
for yy in 0..height { let yyoffset = ox + fw * (yy + oy); let yoffset = left + bw * (yy + top);
for xx in 0..width { unsafe { let fg = *b32.offset(xx + yoffset);
match fg >> 24 { 0xff => {}, 0x00 => *b32.offset(xx + yoffset) = *bb32.offset(xx + yyoffset),
fa => { let alpha = 1 + fa; let inv_alpha = 256 - fa; let bg = *bb32.offset(xx + yyoffset); let r = (alpha * (fg & 0xff) + inv_alpha * (bg & 0xff)) >> 8; let g = (alpha * ((fg >> 8) & 0xff) + inv_alpha * ((bg >> 8) & 0xff)) >> 8; let b = (alpha * ((fg >> 16) & 0xff) + inv_alpha * ((bg >> 16) & 0xff)) >> 8; *b32.offset(xx + yoffset) = r | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | ((b & 0xff) << 16) | (fa.max(bg >> 24) << 24); }, } } } } } }
pub mod resize { use super::*;
const fn lerp(a: u8, b: u8, t: f64) -> u8 { return ((t * b as f64) + a as f64 * (1.0 - t)) as u8; }
fn clamped(x: usize, y: usize, width: usize, height: usize) -> usize { return 4 * (x.clamp(0, width - 1) + width * y.clamp(0, height - 1)); }
const fn hermite(a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64, t: f64) -> f64 { let cc = (c / 2.0) + (a / -2.0); let bb = a + (c * 2.0) - (d / 2.0) - (b * 2.5); let aa = (d / 2.0) + (a / -2.0) + (b * 1.5) - (c * 1.5);
let t2 = t * t; return b + (t * cc) + (bb * t2) + (t * aa * t2); }
pub fn nearest(fb: &fb, width: usize, height: usize) -> fb { let owidth = fb.width; let oheight = fb.height; let o32 = fb.ptr::<u32>(); let mut fb = framebuffer::new(width, height);
let u32 = fb.ptr_mut::<u32>(); let xw = 1.0 / width as f64 * owidth as f64; let yw = 1.0 / height as f64 * oheight as f64;
for y in 0..height { let yoffset = y * width; let yyoffset = owidth * (yw * y as f64) as usize; for x in 0..width { unsafe { *u32.add(x + yoffset) = *o32.add(yyoffset + (xw * x as f64) as usize); } }; };
return fb; }
pub unsafe fn linear(fb: &fb, width: usize, height: usize) -> fb { let owidth = fb.width; let oheight = fb.height; let o8 = fb.ptr::<u8>(); let mut fb = framebuffer::new(width, height);
let mut offset = 0; let u8 = fb.ptr_mut::<u8>(); let width1 = 1.0 / (width - 1) as f64; let height1 = 1.0 / (height - 1) as f64;
for y in 0..height { let yy = oheight as f64 * (y as f64 * height1) - 0.5;
let yyi = yy as usize; let ty = yy - yyi as f64;
for x in 0..width { let xx = owidth as f64 * (x as f64 * width1) - 0.5;
let xxi = xx as usize; let tx = xx - xxi as f64;
let s0 = clamped(xxi, yyi, owidth, oheight); let s1 = clamped(1 + xxi, yyi, owidth, oheight); let s2 = clamped(xxi, 1 + yyi, owidth, oheight); let s3 = clamped(1 + xxi, 1 + yyi, owidth, oheight);
// unsafe { *u8.offset(offset) = lerp(lerp(*o8.add(s0), *o8.add(s2), tx), lerp(*o8.add(s1), *o8.add(s3), tx), ty); *u8.offset(1 + offset) = lerp(lerp(*o8.add(1 + s0), *o8.add(1 + s2), tx), lerp(*o8.add(1 + s1), *o8.add(1 + s3), tx), ty); *u8.offset(2 + offset) = lerp(lerp(*o8.add(2 + s0), *o8.add(2 + s2), tx), lerp(*o8.add(2 + s1), *o8.add(2 + s3), tx), ty); *u8.offset(3 + offset) = lerp(lerp(*o8.add(3 + s0), *o8.add(3 + s2), tx), lerp(*o8.add(3 + s1), *o8.add(3 + s3), tx), ty); // }
offset += 4; }; };
return fb; }
pub unsafe fn cubic(fb: &fb, width: usize, height: usize) -> fb { let owidth = fb.width; let oheight = fb.height; let o8 = fb.ptr::<u8>(); let mut fb = framebuffer::new(width, height);
let mut offset = 0; let u8 = fb.ptr_mut::<u8>(); let width1 = 1.0 / (width - 1) as f64; let height1 = 1.0 / (height - 1) as f64;
for y in 0..height { let yy = oheight as f64 * (y as f64 * height1) - 0.5;
let yyi = yy as usize; let ty = yy - yyi as f64;
for x in 0..width { let xx = owidth as f64 * (x as f64 * width1) - 0.5;
let xxi = xx as usize; let tx = xx - xxi as f64;
let s0 = clamped(xxi - 1, yyi - 1, owidth, oheight);
let s1 = clamped(xxi, yyi - 1, owidth, oheight); let s2 = clamped(1 + xxi, yyi - 1, owidth, oheight); let s3 = clamped(2 + xxi, yyi - 1, owidth, oheight);
let s4 = clamped(xxi - 1, yyi, owidth, oheight);
let s5 = clamped(xxi, yyi, owidth, oheight); let s6 = clamped(1 + xxi, yyi, owidth, oheight); let s7 = clamped(2 + xxi, yyi, owidth, oheight);
let s8 = clamped(xxi - 1, 1 + yyi, owidth, oheight);
let s9 = clamped(xxi, 1 + yyi, owidth, oheight); let s10 = clamped(1 + xxi, 1 + yyi, owidth, oheight); let s11 = clamped(2 + xxi, 1 + yyi, owidth, oheight);
let s12 = clamped(xxi - 1, 2 + yyi, owidth, oheight);
let s13 = clamped(xxi, 2 + yyi, owidth, oheight); let s14 = clamped(1 + xxi, 2 + yyi, owidth, oheight); let s15 = clamped(2 + xxi, 2 + yyi, owidth, oheight);
// unsafe { let c0 = hermite(*o8.add(s0) as f64, *o8.add(s1) as f64, *o8.add(s2) as f64, *o8.add(s3) as f64, tx); let c00 = hermite(*o8.add(1 + s0) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s1) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s2) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s3) as f64, tx); let c000 = hermite(*o8.add(2 + s0) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s1) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s2) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s3) as f64, tx); let c0000 = hermite(*o8.add(3 + s0) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s1) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s2) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s3) as f64, tx);
let c1 = hermite(*o8.add(s4) as f64, *o8.add(s5) as f64, *o8.add(s6) as f64, *o8.add(s7) as f64, tx); let c11 = hermite(*o8.add(1 + s4) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s5) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s6) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s7) as f64, tx); let c111 = hermite(*o8.add(2 + s4) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s5) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s6) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s7) as f64, tx); let c1111 = hermite(*o8.add(3 + s4) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s5) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s6) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s7) as f64, tx);
let c2 = hermite(*o8.add(s8) as f64, *o8.add(s9) as f64, *o8.add(s10) as f64, *o8.add(s11) as f64, tx); let c22 = hermite(*o8.add(1 + s8) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s9) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s10) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s11) as f64, tx); let c222 = hermite(*o8.add(2 + s8) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s9) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s10) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s11) as f64, tx); let c2222 = hermite(*o8.add(3 + s8) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s9) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s10) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s11) as f64, tx);
let c3 = hermite(*o8.add(s12) as f64, *o8.add(s13) as f64, *o8.add(s14) as f64, *o8.add(s15) as f64, tx); let c33 = hermite(*o8.add(1 + s12) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s13) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s14) as f64, *o8.add(1 + s15) as f64, tx); let c333 = hermite(*o8.add(2 + s12) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s13) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s14) as f64, *o8.add(2 + s15) as f64, tx); let c3333 = hermite(*o8.add(3 + s12) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s13) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s14) as f64, *o8.add(3 + s15) as f64, tx);
*u8.offset(offset) = hermite(c0, c1, c2, c3, ty) as u8; *u8.offset(1 + offset) = hermite(c00, c11, c22, c33, ty) as u8; *u8.offset(2 + offset) = hermite(c000, c111, c222, c333, ty) as u8; *u8.offset(3 + offset) = hermite(c0000, c1111, c2222, c3333, ty) as u8; // }
offset += 4; }; };
return fb; } }
pub mod blur { use super::*;
pub fn gaussian(fb: &mut fb, sigma: f32) { if 0.0 == sigma { return; }
let cof = { let a = (0.726f32).powi(2).exp() / sigma;
let l = (-a).exp(); let c = (-a * 2.0).exp(); let k = (1.0 - l).powi(2) / (1.0 - c + a * l * 2.0);
let a3 = c * -k; let b1 = l * 2.0; let a1 = l * k * (a - 1.0); let a2 = l * k * (a + 1.0); (k, a1, a2, a3, b1, -c, (k + a1) / (c - b1 + 1.0), (a2 + a3) / (c - b1 + 1.0)) };
let width = fb.width; let height = fb.height;
unsafe { let o8 = alloc(fb.len()); let u8 = fb.ptr_mut::<u8>(); let f32 = alloc(4 * 4 * width.max(height)) as *mut f32;
u8.copy_to(o8, fb.len()); gc(o8, u8, f32, width, height, cof); gc(u8, o8, f32, height, width, cof);
free(o8, fb.len()); free(f32 as *mut u8, 4 * 4 * width.max(height)); } }
unsafe fn gc(u8: *mut u8, o8: *mut u8, f32: *mut f32, width: usize, height: usize, (k, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, lc, rc): (f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32)) { use std::intrinsics::{fmul_fast as fm, fadd_fast as fa, float_to_int_unchecked as fi};
let width4 = 4 * width; let height4 = 4 * height; let hw1 = height * (width - 1);
for y in 0..height { let mut toffset = 0; let mut ooffset = y * width4; let mut offset = 4 * (y + hw1);
let (mut por, mut pog, mut pob, mut poa) = (*o8.add(ooffset) as f32, *o8.add(1 + ooffset) as f32, *o8.add(2 + ooffset) as f32, *o8.add(3 + ooffset) as f32); let (mut fur, mut fug, mut fub, mut fua) = (fm(lc, por), fm(lc, pog), fm(lc, pob), fm(lc, poa)); let (mut tur, mut tug, mut tub, mut tua) = (fur, fug, fub, fua);
for _ in 0..width { let (cor, cog, cob, coa) = (*o8.add(ooffset) as f32, *o8.add(1 + ooffset) as f32, *o8.add(2 + ooffset) as f32, *o8.add(3 + ooffset) as f32); let (cur, cug, cub, cua) = (fm(k, cor) + fm(a1, por) + fm(b1, fur) + fm(b2, tur), fm(k, cog) + fm(a1, pog) + fm(b1, fug) + fm(b2, tug), fm(k, cob) + fm(a1, pob) + fm(b1, fub) + fm(b2, tub), fm(k, coa) + fm(a1, poa) + fm(b1, fua) + fm(b2, tua));
(tur, tug, tub, tua) = (fur, fug, fub, fua); (fur, fug, fub, fua) = (cur, cug, cub, cua); (por, pog, pob, poa) = (cor, cog, cob, coa);
*f32.offset(toffset) = fur; *f32.offset(1 + toffset) = fug; *f32.offset(2 + toffset) = fub; *f32.offset(3 + toffset) = fua;
ooffset += 4; toffset += 4; }
ooffset -= 4; toffset -= 4;
por = *o8.add(ooffset) as f32; pog = *o8.add(1 + ooffset) as f32; pob = *o8.add(2 + ooffset) as f32; poa = *o8.add(3 + ooffset) as f32; (tur, tug, tub, tua) = (fm(rc, por), fm(rc, pog), fm(rc, pob), fm(rc, poa));
(fur, fug, fub, fua) = (tur, tug, tub, tua); let (mut cor, mut cog, mut cob, mut coa) = (por, pog, pob, poa);
for _ in 0..width { let (cur, cug, cub, cua) = (fm(a2, cor) + fm(a3, por) + fm(b1, fur) + fm(b2, tur), fm(a2, cog) + fm(a3, pog) + fm(b1, fug) + fm(b2, tug), fm(a2, cob) + fm(a3, pob) + fm(b1, fub) + fm(b2, tub), fm(a2, coa) + fm(a3, poa) + fm(b1, fua) + fm(b2, tua));
(tur, tug, tub, tua) = (fur, fug, fub, fua); (fur, fug, fub, fua) = (cur, cug, cub, cua); (por, pog, pob, poa) = (cor, cog, cob, coa);
cor = *o8.add(ooffset) as f32; cog = *o8.add(1 + ooffset) as f32; cob = *o8.add(2 + ooffset) as f32; coa = *o8.add(3 + ooffset) as f32; *u8.add(offset) = fi(fa(fur, *f32.offset(toffset))); *u8.add(1 + offset) = fi(fa(fug, *f32.offset(1 + toffset))); *u8.add(2 + offset) = fi(fa(fub, *f32.offset(2 + toffset))); *u8.add(3 + offset) = fi(fa(fua, *f32.offset(3 + toffset)));
ooffset = ooffset.saturating_sub(4); toffset = toffset.saturating_sub(4); offset = offset.saturating_sub(height4); } } } }}