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zero-dependency JavaScript image manipulation
Extremely Popular
import {Frame, GIF, Image} from '../ImageScript.js';import {equals} from "";
const panic = msg => { console.error(msg); process.exit(1);}
try { new Image(0, 1); panic('width 0 failed');} catch {}
try { new Image(1, 0); panic('height 0 failed');} catch {}
if (new Image(1, 1).toString() !== 'Image<1x1>') panic('toString failed');
for (const [x, y] of new Image(1, 1)) if (x !== 1 || y !== 1) panic('Symbol.iterator failed');
for (const [x, y, color] of new Image(1, 1).fill(0xff8000ff).iterateWithColors()) if (x !== 1 || y !== 1 || color !== 0xff8000ff) panic('iterateWithColors failed');
if (Image.rgbToColor(0xff, 0x80, 0x00) !== 0xff8000ff) panic('rgbToColor failed');
if (Image.hslaToColor(0, 0, 1, 0xff) !== 0xffffffff) panic('hslaToColor for s=0 failed');
{ for (const rgba of [0xff0000ff, 0x00ff00ff, 0x0000ffff, 0x000000ff, 0xffffffff].map(x => Image.colorToRGBA(x))) { const hsla = Image.rgbaToHSLA(...rgba); const rgbaBacktransform = Image.colorToRGBA(Image.hslaToColor(...hsla)); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (rgba[i] !== rgbaBacktransform[i]) panic('rgbaToHSLA failed'); }}
{ const rgb = Image.colorToRGB(0xff8000ff); const target = [0xff, 0x80, 0x00]; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (rgb[i] !== target[i]) panic('colorToRGB failed');}
{ const image = new Image(1, 1); image.setPixelAt(1, 1, 0xff8000ff);
const pixel = image.getPixelAt(1, 1); if (pixel !== 0xff8000ff) panic('getPixelAt fails');
const rgba = image.getRGBAAt(1, 1); const target = [0xff, 0x80, 0x00, 0xff]; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (rgba[i] !== target[i]) panic('colorToRGB failed');}
{ const image = new Image(1, 1); try { image.__check_boundaries__('a', 1); panic('check boundaries for x as NaN failed'); } catch { } try { image.__check_boundaries__(1, 'a'); panic('check boundaries for y as NaN failed'); } catch { } try { image.__check_boundaries__(0, 1); panic('check boundaries for x as 0 failed'); } catch { } try { image.__check_boundaries__(1, 0); panic('check boundaries for y as 0 failed'); } catch { } try { image.__check_boundaries__(2, 1); panic('check boundaries for x as 2 failed'); } catch { } try { image.__check_boundaries__(1, 2); panic('check boundaries for y as 2 failed'); } catch { }}
{ const image = new Image(1, 1); image.fill(0xff8000ff);
const clone = image.clone();
if (!equals(clone.bitmap, image.bitmap)) panic('clone failed');}
{ const image = new Image(2, 2); image.scale(.5); if (image.width !== 1 || image.height !== 1) panic('resize failed');
image.scale(1); if (image.width !== 1 || image.height !== 1) panic('resize failed');
try { image.resize(0, 1); panic('resize for x = 0 failed'); } catch { } try { image.resize(1, 0); panic('resize for y = 0 failed'); } catch { } try { image.resize(1, 1, 'garbage'); panic('resize with invalid mode failed'); } catch { } try { image.resize(Image.RESIZE_AUTO, Image.RESIZE_AUTO); panic('resize with RESIZE_AUTO for both x and y failed'); } catch { }}
{ const image = new Image(1, 1); image.drawBox(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xff8000ff); if (image.getPixelAt(1, 1) !== 0xff8000ff) panic('static drawBox failed');
image.drawBox(1, 1, 1, 1, () => 0x00ff00ff); if (image.getPixelAt(1, 1) !== 0x00ff00ff) panic('fn drawBox failed');}
{ const image = new Image(1, 1); const toFail = ['a', -1]; const funcs = [,,, image.opacity, image.lightness, image.saturation]; for (const func of funcs) for (const value of toFail) try {, toFail); panic(`${} failed with value ${JSON.stringify(value)}`); } catch { }
const toPass = [[1, true], [1, false], [0, true], [0, false]]; for (const func of funcs) for (const value of toPass), ...value);}
{ const image = new Image(512, 256); const overlay = new Image(1024, 512); image.composite(overlay, -512, -256); overlay.fill(0x80); image.composite(overlay, -512, -256); overlay.fill(0xff); image.composite(overlay, -512, -256);}
try { new Frame(1, 1, -1); panic('frame duration failed');} catch {}
if (new Frame(1, 2, 3).toString() !== 'Frame<1x2x3ms>') panic('frame toString failed');
{ const image = new Image(512, 512); Frame.from(image, 10); try { Frame.from({}, 10); panic('frame instanceof image failed'); } catch { }}
try { new GIF([{}]); panic('gif frame instanceof failed');} catch {}
{ const frame = new Frame(512, 128, 123); const gif = new GIF([frame]); if (gif.toString() !== 'GIF<512x128x123ms>') panic('gif tostring failed'); if (gif.duration !== 123) panic('gif duration failed');}