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Generate a Deno configuration file
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import { Command } from "./deps.ts";import { act } from "./act.ts";import { settings } from "./settings.ts";
/** * */await new Command() .name("deno-init") .version("0.16.0") .description("Start a new Deno project with a single command") // .option( // "-c, --cache [cache:boolean]", // "Cache dependencies as part of the project initialization", // { // default: false, // global: true, // }, // ) .option( "-f, --force [force:boolean]", "Force overwrite of existing files/directories. Helpful to re-initialize a project but use with caution!", { global: true, }, ) .option( "-m, --map [map:boolean]", "Add an import map as part of the project initialization", { default: false, }, ) .option( "--no-git [git:boolean]", "Do not initialize a Git repository for the project", { global: true, }, ) .option( "-n, --name [name:string]", "Name a new directory to initialize the project in.", { global: true, }, ) .option( "-y, --yes [yes:boolean]", "Answer 'y' to all prompts", { default: false, }, ) .action(({ force, map, git, name, yes }) => { // settings.cache = cache; settings.force = force; settings.git = git; = map; settings.path = name ?? ".";
if (yes === true) { act(); } else { ask(); act(); } }) .parse(Deno.args); // .command("api", api) // .command("cli", cli) // .command("server", server) // .command("tdd", tdd)
function ask() { const ts = prompt("Use TypeScript? (y/n)", "y");
settings.extension = (ts === "y" || ts === "Y") ? "ts" : "js";
settings.entrypoint = prompt( `Set entrypoint:`, `mod.${settings.extension}`, ) ?? "mod";
settings.depsEntrypoint = prompt( "Set dependency entrypoint:", `deps.${settings.extension}`, ) ?? "deps";
settings.devDepsEntrypoint = prompt( "Set dev dependency entrypoint:", `dev_deps.${settings.extension}`, ) ?? "dev_deps";
const importMap = prompt( "Add import map? (y/n)", "n", ); = (importMap === "y" || importMap === "Y") ? true : false;}