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deno-init is a simple command line tool to initialize Deno projects from prompts.


deno install --allow-read --allow-run=git --allow-write --name deno-init

deno-init -y --name awesome_deno_project

Quickerstart (no install)

deno run --allow-read --allow-run=git --allow-write -y -n awesome_deno_project

Table of Contents


First install deno and make sure it is available on a terminal. git is also recommended though not required.

Next, run deno install to install the CLI:

deno install --allow-read --allow-run=git --allow-write -n deno-init

You can install deno-init from a GitHub raw URL with a tag as well, or without one to get the latest and greatest (though also unreleased) version:

deno install --allow-read --allow-run=git --allow-write -n deno-init

To upgrade, run the command with a new version number and include -f.


The program needs the following permissions to run:

  • read: to load files that are used to initialize projects
  • run=git: is used to allow the program to run git commands, of which only git init is actually called by deno-init
  • write: to make files in order to initialize new projects
  • unstable: to allow the use of unstable APIs. Right now these come from the module’s external dependencies.

Basic Usage


This will prompt you for the following:

  • Use TypeScript? (default y)
  • Set entrypoint: (default mod.ts)
  • Set dependency entrypoint: (default deps.ts)
  • Set dev dependency entrypoint: (default dev_deps.ts)
  • Add import map? (default n)

Choosing all defaults will create the following structure in the current directory:

├── .gitignore
├── deps.ts
├── dev_deps.ts
├── mod.ts

If you choose to init with an import map an import_map.json file will be added to the above. If git is installed on the machine then git init will be run as well.

Note that deno-init will not overwrite files unless the --force option is used explicitly. This means the program can ‘fill in the blanks’ in a project where not all of the files above are present yet.


--help will print helpful information to the terminal.

--yes or -y will initialize the project in the current working directory with all the defaults, skipping the prompts:

deno-init --yes

--name or -n will initialize the project in a new directory in the current working directory:

deno-init --name my_project
├── my_project
|   ├── .gitignore
|   ├── deps.ts
|   ├── dev_deps.ts
|   ├── mod.ts

the name argument can be any path in the local filesystem, and deno-init will make any missing directories along the way.

--map or -m will add an (empty) import_map.json file to the project:

deno-init --map

--config or -c will add an (empty) deno.json file to the project:

deno-init --config

--config-only or -o will add only a deno.json file to the project. Note that this also disables running git init:

deno-init --config-only

--tdd or -t will include a .test file to get started with a test-driven project, such as mod.test.ts:

deno-init --tdd

--force or -f will allow the program to overwrite existing files. This can be helpful to re-initialize but use with caution.

deno-init --force

--no-git will disable running git init as part of the project initialization.

deno-init --no-git

--ascii will draw an ASCII Deno to the screen!

deno-init --ascii


Feel free to submit a bug report, issue or feature request!