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Terminal string color for Deno
import { decode, Pixel, Image } from ""
/** * draw an image to the terminal. * @param imagePath local path or URL */export async function drawImage(imagePath: string) { let raw: Uint8Array
if (isUrl(imagePath)) { const res = await fetch(imagePath) const blob = await res.blob(); raw = new Uint8Array(await blob.arrayBuffer())
} else { raw = await Deno.readFile(imagePath) }
const image = decode(raw); const rImage = resizeImage(image, image.width, Math.ceil(image.height / 2)) let appender = ""; for (let y = 0; y < rImage.height; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < rImage.width; x++) { const pix = rImage.getPixel(x, y); appender += pixelToAnsi(pix) } appender += "\r\n" + "\x1b[0m" } console.log(appender)}
function isUrl(path: string): boolean { return path.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://") || path.toLowerCase().startsWith("https://")}
function pixelToAnsi(pix: Pixel) { const bgStart = `\x1b[48;2;${pix.r};${pix.g};${pix.b}m`
const cStart = `\x1b[38;2;${pix.r};${pix.g};${pix.b}m`
return `${bgStart}${cStart}` // return `${cStart}.${cEnd}`}

function resizeImage(image: Image, w2: number, h2: number): Image { const result = new Image(); result.width = w2 result.height = h2 = new Uint8Array(w2 * h2 * 4);
const x_ratio = image.width / w2; const y_ratio = image.height / h2; let px: number, py: number, pix: Pixel for (let i = 0; i < h2; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < w2; j++) { px = Math.floor(j * x_ratio) py = Math.floor(i * y_ratio) pix = image.getPixel(px, py) // set pixel result.setPixel(j, i, pix) } } return result}