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CLI user input handler for Deno
import { ACTIONS } from './types.ts';import type { IConfig } from './types.ts';import Printer from './printer.ts';import History from './history.ts';import { deferred } from "";
export default class InputLoop { private buf = new Uint8Array(1024); done = false; out = new Printer(); history = new History();
constructor(args?: IConfig) { this.out = new Printer(args); }
private coerceChoice = (value: string | number): string => { if (typeof value === 'number') { return String(value); } return value; }
private cleanInput = (value?: string): string => { return value?.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') ?? ''; }
/** * Repeats the last prompt * @param {string | number} value value to auto-select */ public repeat = (value?: string | number) => { const retrievedHistory = this.history.retrieve(); if (retrievedHistory.action) { if (retrievedHistory.action === ACTIONS.CHOOSE) { return this.choose(retrievedHistory.argument as string[], retrievedHistory.lastOptionClose, retrievedHistory.privateInput, value); } if (retrievedHistory.action === ACTIONS.QUESTION) { return this.question(retrievedHistory.argument as string, retrievedHistory.includeNewline, retrievedHistory.privateInput, value); } } }
/** * Read input from the console * @param {boolean} privateInput should use private input (requires --unstable flag) * @returns {Promise<string>} The value read */ public read = async (privateInput: boolean): Promise<string> => { if (privateInput) { const result = await this.readPrivate(); this.out.newline(); return result; } return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const n = await;
if (n) { resolve(this.cleanInput(new TextDecoder().decode(this.buf.subarray(0, n)))); } else { reject(); } }); }
private readPrivate = async (): Promise<string> => { (Deno as any).setRaw?.(Deno.stdin.rid, true); const p = deferred<string>(); let input = '';
let n = await;
while (n) { const text = new TextDecoder().decode(this.buf.subarray(0, n)); if (text.includes('\n') || text.includes('\r')) { (Deno as any).setRaw?.(Deno.stdin.rid, false); p.resolve(input); break; } if (text.includes('\u0003') || text.includes('\u0004')) { (Deno as any).setRaw?.(Deno.stdin.rid, false); p.resolve(''); Deno.exit(); } input += text; n = await; }
return p; }
public wait = async (question?: string, includeNewline?: boolean): Promise<boolean> => { this.out.print(question ?? 'Press any key to continue...', includeNewline ?? true); (Deno as any).setRaw?.(Deno.stdin.rid, true); const p = deferred<boolean>();
let n = await;
if (n) { (Deno as any).setRaw?.(Deno.stdin.rid, false); p.resolve(true); } else { p.resolve(false); }
return p; }
/** * Prompts the user to choose from a list of options * @param {string[]} options * @param {boolean} lastOptionClose Whether selecting the last option in the list should close the loop * @param {boolean} privateInput Use private input (requires --unstable flag) * @param {string | number} choice value to auto-select * @returns {Promise<boolean[]>} An array of booleans representing which index was selected */ public choose = async (options: string[], lastOptionClose?: boolean, privateInput?: boolean, choice?: string | number): Promise<boolean[]> => { this.out.newline(); this.out.divider(30); options.forEach((option: string, index: number) => { this.out.print(`${index}: ${option}`, true); }); this.out.divider(30);
// Allow passing a result directly instead of prompting for it. // Mostly used for testing without the need for interactive input
let result: string; if (choice !== undefined) { result = this.cleanInput(this.coerceChoice(choice)); } else { result = await ?? false); }, ACTIONS.CHOOSE, lastOptionClose ?? false, undefined, privateInput ?? false);
if (lastOptionClose && result === String(options.length - 1)) { this.close(); }
return string, index: number) => { if (result === String(index)) { return true; } return false; }); }
/** * Prompts the user to answer a question * @param {string} question * @param {boolean} includeNewline Include a newline before asking for the input * @param {boolean} privateInput Use private input (requires --unstable flag) * @param {string | number} value value to auto-select * @returns {Promise<string>} The value entered */ public question = async (question: string, includeNewline?: boolean, privateInput?: boolean, value?: string | number): Promise<string> => { this.out.print(question, includeNewline ?? true);, ACTIONS.QUESTION, undefined, includeNewline ?? true, privateInput ?? false);
if (value) { return this.cleanInput(this.coerceChoice(value)); }
const result = await ?? false); return result; }
/** * Closes the loop */ public close = () => { this.done = true; }}