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inthash is a versatile library for generating integer hash values in Javascript and Typescript using Knuth’s multiplicative method. With a user-friendly interface, this library allows you to obfuscate predictable numbers, making it ideal for scenarios like ‘Auto Increment’ values in databases. inthash supports number, string, bigint.



npm install inthash


import { Hasher } from "";


Generating Random Settings

Run the following command to generate random settings for your hasher:

# Node.js:
npx inthash

# Deno:
deno run

# Output:
# {
#   "bits": 53,
#   "prime": "6456111708547433",
#   "inverse": "3688000043513561",
#   "xor": "969402349590075"
# }

Creating and Using a Hasher

Create a hasher with the generated settings:

const hasher = new Hasher({
  bits: 53, // Javascript, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
  prime: "6456111708547433", // Random Prime
  inverse: "3688000043513561", // Modular Inverse
  xor: "969402349590075", // Random n-bit xor mask

const encoded = hasher.encode(100); // result: 6432533451586367
const decoded = hasher.decode(encoded); // result: 100

// You can obfuscate predictable numbers like 'Auto Increment'!
hasher.encode(1); // 6085136369434450
hasher.encode(2); // 4132187376469225
hasher.encode(3); // 2180123214014976
hasher.encode(4); // 6982551782798239
hasher.encode(5); // 5030633649101110
hasher.encode(6); // 3077950944243277
hasher.encode(7); // 1125015438342116

inthash also supports string and bigint values:

// String input and output
const encoded = hasher.encode("100"); // "6432533451586367"
const decoded = hasher.decode(encoded); // "100"
// BigInt input and output
const encoded = hasher.encode(100n); // 6432533451586367n
const decoded = hasher.decode(encoded); // 100n

Handling MySQL bigint(20)

To work with bigint(20) in MySQL, you need to handle 64-bit values. The old version of IntHash supported up to 53-bit values (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER === 2**53 - 1). From v3 onwards, n-bit values are supported:

# Node.js:
npx inthash -b64

# Deno:
deno run -b64

# Output:
# {
#   "bits": 64,
#   "prime": "16131139598801670337",
#   "inverse": "14287487925114175297",
#   "xor": "8502035541264656686"
# }

See also

  • optimus A PHP implementation of Knuth’s multiplicative hashing method. inthash is inspired by and ported from this library.