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Serve items from `AsyncIterable<File>`
import { getMediaType } from "./media_types.ts";type Server = { close(): void; addr: Deno.Addr;};type ServeOptions = { port?: number; onError?: (e: Error) => void; debugPagePath?: string;};
/** * @private */export type Cache = Record<string, File>;
/** * Serves the items from the async iterable of the files matching by its file name. * * ex. * If === "foo.txt", it's served at url "http://localhost:3000/foo.txt". * If === "foo/bar.html", it's served at url "http://localhost:3000/foo/bar.html". */export function serve( src: AsyncIterable<File>, { port = 3000, onError = console.error, debugPagePath = "/__debug__" }: ServeOptions = {},): Server { const listener = Deno.listen({ port }); const cache = {} as Cache;
accumulate(src, cache).catch(onError); const closer = serveFromCache(listener, cache, { onError, debugPagePath });
return { addr: listener.addr, close() { closer(); listener.close(); }, };}
/** * @private * Accumulates the files from the async iterable into the cache record. */export async function accumulate( src: AsyncIterable<File>, cache: Cache,): Promise<void> { for await (const file of src) { const { pathname } = new URL(, "file:///"); cache[pathname] = file; }}
/** * @private * Serves the items from the cache record of files. */export function serveFromCache( listener: Deno.Listener, cache: Cache, { onError, debugPagePath }: ServeOptions,): () => void { const httpConns = [] as Deno.HttpConn[]; const closer = () => { for (const conn of httpConns) { conn.close(); } }; if (!debugPagePath) { throw new Error("debugPagePath option is not given"); } if (!debugPagePath.startsWith("/")) { throw new Error("debugPagePath option doesn't start with '/'"); } (async () => { for await (const conn of listener) { (async () => { const httpConn = Deno.serveHttp(conn); httpConns.push(httpConn); for await (const { request, respondWith } of httpConn) { const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);
if (pathname === debugPagePath) { respondWith(responseDebugPage(cache)); continue; }
let resp = cache[pathname]; if (resp) { respondWith( new Response(resp, { headers: { "content-type": getMediaType( pathname.match(/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/)?.[0], ), }, }), ); continue; } if (pathname.endsWith("/")) { resp = cache[pathname + "index.html"]; if (resp) { respondWith( new Response(resp, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, }), ); continue; } } // If there's a file at the path /404, it works as the custom 404 page. resp = cache["/404"]; if (resp) { respondWith(new Response(resp)); continue; } respondWith(responseNotFound(debugPagePath)); } })().catch(onError); } })().catch(onError); return closer;}
/** * Returns a response for the debug page. */function responseDebugPage(cache: Cache): Response { return new Response( ` <pre>debug page${Object.keys(cache).map((path) => `<a href="${path}">${path}</a>`).join("\n")} </pre> `, { status: 200, headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, }, );}
/** * Returns a response for the 404 page. */function responseNotFound(debugPagePath: string): Response { return new Response( ` <h1>404 Not Found</h1> <p><a href="${debugPagePath}">Go to debug page</a></p> `, { status: 404, headers: { "content-type": "text/html" } }, );}