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A JavaScript/TypeScript wrapper for the JIRA Cloud, Service Desk and Agile REST API
interface GetDeploymentByKey
import { type GetDeploymentByKey } from "";

Data related to a specific deployment in a specific environment that the deployment is present in.* Must specify one of issueKeys or associations.


deploymentSequenceNumber: number

This is the identifier for the deployment. It must be unique for the specified pipeline and environment. It must be a monotonically increasing number, as this is used to sequence the deployments.

updateSequenceNumber: number

A number used to apply an order to the updates to the deployment, as identified by the deploymentSequenceNumber, in the case of out-of-order receipt of update requests. It must be a monotonically increasing number. For example, epoch time could be one way to generate the updateSequenceNumber.

associations: any[]

The entities to associate the Deployment information with. It must contain at least one of IssueIdOrKeysAssociation or ServiceIdOrKeysAssociation.

displayName: string

The human-readable name for the deployment. Will be shown in the UI.

url: string

A URL users can use to link to this deployment, in this environment.

description: string

A short description of the deployment

lastUpdated: string

The last-updated timestamp to present to the user as a summary of the state of the deployment.

label: string

An (optional) additional label that may be displayed with deployment information. Can be used to display version information etc. for the deployment.

state: string

The state of the deployment

pipeline: { id: string; displayName: string; url: string; }

This object models the Continuous Delivery (CD) Pipeline concept, an automated process (usually comprised of multiple stages)

For getting software from version control right through to the production environment.

environment: { id: string; displayName: string; type: string; }

The environment that the deployment is present in.

commands: { command?: string; }[]

A list of commands to be actioned for this Deployment

schemaVersion: string

The DeploymentData schema version used for this deployment data.

Placeholder to support potential schema changes in the future.