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A JavaScript/TypeScript wrapper for the JIRA Cloud, Service Desk and Agile REST API
interface SubmitBuilds
import { type SubmitBuilds } from "";

The result of a successful submitBuilds request.*


acceptedBuilds: { pipelineId: string; buildNumber: number; }[]

The keys of builds that have been accepted for submission. A build key is a composite key that consists of pipelineId and buildNumber.

A build may be rejected if it was only associated with unknown issue keys, or if the submitted data for that build does not match the required schema.

Note that a build that isn't updated due to it's updateSequenceNumber being out of order is not considered a failed submission.

rejectedBuilds: { key: { pipelineId: string; buildNumber: number; }; errors: { message: string; errorTraceId?: string; }[]; }[]

Details of builds that have not been accepted for submission.

A build may be rejected if it was only associated with unknown issue keys, or if the submitted data for the build does not match the required schema.

unknownIssueKeys: string[]

Issue keys that are not known on this Jira instance (if any).

These may be invalid keys (e.g. UTF-8 is sometimes incorrectly identified as a Jira issue key), or they may be for projects that no longer exist.

If a build has been associated with issue keys other than those in this array it will still be stored against those valid keys. If a build was only associated with issue keys deemed to be invalid it won't be persisted.