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A JavaScript/TypeScript wrapper for the JIRA Cloud, Service Desk and Agile REST API
interface GetWorkflowsPaginated
import { type GetWorkflowsPaginated } from "";


startAt: number

The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset).

maxResults: number

The maximum number of items to return per page.

workflowName: string[]

The name of a workflow to return. To include multiple workflows, provide an ampersand-separated list. For example, workflowName=name1&workflowName=name2.

| "transitions"
| "transitions.rules"
| ""
| "statuses"
| ""
| "default"
| "schemes"
| "projects"
| "hasDraftWorkflow"
| "operations"
| (
| "transitions"
| "transitions.rules"
| ""
| "statuses"
| ""
| "default"
| "schemes"
| "projects"
| "hasDraftWorkflow"
| "operations"
| string
| string[]

Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:

  • transitions For each workflow, returns information about the transitions inside the workflow.
  • transitions.rules For each workflow transition, returns information about its rules. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested.
  • For each workflow transition, returns information about its properties. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested.
  • statuses For each workflow, returns information about the statuses inside the workflow.
  • For each workflow status, returns information about its properties. Statuses are included automatically if this expand is requested.
  • default For each workflow, returns information about whether this is the default workflow.
  • schemes For each workflow, returns information about the workflow schemes the workflow is assigned to.
  • projects For each workflow, returns information about the projects the workflow is assigned to, through workflow schemes.
  • hasDraftWorkflow For each workflow, returns information about whether the workflow has a draft version.
  • operations For each workflow, returns information about the actions that can be undertaken on the workflow.
queryString: string

String used to perform a case-insensitive partial match with workflow name.

| "name"
| "-name"
| "+name"
| "created"
| "-created"
| "+created"
| "updated"
| "+updated"
| "-updated"
| string

Order the results by a field:

  • name Sorts by workflow name.
  • created Sorts by create time.
  • updated Sorts by update time.
isActive: boolean

Filters active and inactive workflows.