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Utilities for interacting with a Johnny Decimal filing system.
import { bold, green, red } from "../deps.ts";import { Command } from "../models/command.ts";import { Directory } from "../models/directory.ts";import { getShellConfigPath, getShellName, SHELL,} from "../utilities/get_default_shell_config.ts";const { FISH, ZSH, BASH } = SHELL;
const JD_HOME_TEXT = { [BASH]: 'export JD_HOME="{JD_HOME}"', [ZSH]: 'export JD_HOME="{JD_HOME}"', [FISH]: 'set -x JD_HOME "{JD_HOME}"',};
const SOURCE_TEXT = { [BASH]: "source $HOME/.jd/", [ZSH]: "source $HOME/.jd/", [FISH]: "source $HOME/.jd/",};
const shellName = getShellName();const jdHomeTemplate = JD_HOME_TEXT[shellName];const sourceText = SOURCE_TEXT[shellName];
if (!jdHomeTemplate || !sourceText) { throw new Error(`Unsupported Shell: ${shellName}`);}
const log = { step1: { intro: ($JD_DIR: string) => { console.log(bold(green("Step 1 of 2"))); console.log(`\`${$JD_DIR}\` contains settings, scripts, and plugins.\n`); }, query: ($JD_DIR: string) => confirm(`Would you like to delete \`${$JD_DIR}\` automatically?`), progress: ($JD_DIR: string) => console.log(`Deleting ${$JD_DIR}...`), complete: ($JD_DIR: string) => console.log(green(`${$JD_DIR} is successfully removed!`)), failed: (error: Error) => { console.log(red("Failed! Did you already remove `.jd`?\n")); console.error(error); }, },
step2: { intro: (jdHomeText: string, shellConfigPath: string) => console.log( `\n${bold(green("Step 2 of 2"))}\n` + `To delete JD CLI, please remove lines from ${shellConfigPath}:\n` + `\n ${red("-")} ${jdHomeText}` + `\n ${red("-")} ${sourceText}`, ), query: () => confirm(bold("Make these changes automatically?")), failed: (failText: string) => console.log( red(`Cannot find \`${failText}\`! Did you already remove it?\n`), ), },
outro: () => { console.log(green("Completed!")); console.log("Please run `deno uninstall jd` to remove this cli tool"); console.log("Please reload or re-source your terminal window"); },};
/** * @name UninstallCommand * * @description * Guided script for tearing down Johnny Decimal CLI (opposite of * InstallCommand). This includes: * 1. Removing `$HOME/.jd` * 2. Removing the `cd` shell script and env variables from the user's config */const uninstallCommand: Command = { name: "uninstall", usage: "jd uninstall", description: "Uninstall the `cd` script and plugin dir",
// @todo doesn't yet remove source text from bash_profile async fn(this: Directory) { const { $HOME, $JD_HOME, $JD_DIR } = this; const shellConfigPath = getShellConfigPath($HOME);
if (log.step1.query($JD_DIR)) { log.step1.progress($JD_DIR); await Deno.remove($JD_DIR, { recursive: true }) .then(() => log.step1.complete($JD_DIR)) .catch((e) => log.step1.failed(e)); }
const jdHomeText = jdHomeTemplate .replace("{JD_HOME}", $JD_HOME) .replace($HOME, "$HOME");
log.step2.intro(jdHomeText, shellConfigPath);
if (confirm("Would you like us to make these changes automatically?")) { let contents = await Deno.readTextFile(shellConfigPath);
if (contents.includes(sourceText)) { contents = contents.replace("\n" + sourceText, ""); } else { log.step2.failed(sourceText); }
if (contents.includes(jdHomeText)) { contents = contents.replace("\n" + jdHomeText, ""); } else { log.step2.failed(jdHomeText); }
await Deno.writeTextFile(shellConfigPath, contents); } log.outro(); },};
export default uninstallCommand;