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Utilities for interacting with a Johnny Decimal filing system.
import { bold, red } from "../deps.ts";import { Location } from "../models/location.ts";import sortByLocationFilename from "./sort_by_location_filename.ts";
const { AREA, CATEGORY, ITEM } = Location.TYPE;const indent = " ";
/** * @description Just logs a title for CLI output. */export function logTitle(name: string): void { console.log(`\n${bold(name)}\n${bold(name.replace(/./g, "="))}`);}
/** * @description * Logs a pretty list of filenames, based on their locations. * - Sorts by ID, pushing non-JD filenames to the bottom. * - Indents based on location, so more specific are more indented. */export function logLocationFilenames(filenames: string[]): void { const numMaxIndents = filenames.reduce((prev, name) => { const [area, category, item] = prev; try { const location = new Location({ name, path: "" }); return [ area || location.depth === AREA, category || location.depth === CATEGORY, item || location.depth === ITEM, ]; } catch (e) { return prev; } }, [false, false, false]).filter(Boolean).length;
const contentsString = filenames .sort(sortByLocationFilename) .map((name: string) => { if (numMaxIndents <= 1) return name; if (!Location.isLocationFilename(name)) return red(name);
const location = new Location({ name, path: "" }); if (location.depth === AREA) return name; if (location.depth === CATEGORY) { if (numMaxIndents === 3) return indent + name; } if (location.depth === ITEM) { if (numMaxIndents === 3) return indent + indent + name; if (numMaxIndents === 2) return indent + name; } return name; }) .join("\n");
console.log(contentsString + "\n");}