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"JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS with no dependencies using runtime's native crypto in Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Electron, and Deno.
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import { flattenedDecrypt } from '../flattened/decrypt.ts'import { JWEInvalid } from '../../util/errors.ts'import { decoder } from '../../lib/buffer_utils.ts'import type { KeyLike, DecryptOptions, JWEHeaderParameters, GetKeyFunction, FlattenedJWE, CompactDecryptResult, ResolvedKey,} from '../../types.d.ts'
/** * Interface for Compact JWE Decryption dynamic key resolution. * No token components have been verified at the time of this function call. */export interface CompactDecryptGetKey extends GetKeyFunction<JWEHeaderParameters, FlattenedJWE> {}
/** * Decrypts a Compact JWE. * * @param jwe Compact JWE. * @param key Private Key or Secret to decrypt the JWE with. * @param options JWE Decryption options. * * @example Usage * ```js * const decoder = new TextDecoder() * const jwe = 'eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUC0yNTYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0.nyQ19eq9ogh9wA7fFtnI2oouzy5_8b5DeLkoRMfi2yijgfTs2zEnayCEofz_qhnL-nwszabd9qUeHv0-IwvhhJJS7GUJOU3ikiIe42qcIAFme1A_Fo9CTxw4XTOy-I5qanl8So91u6hwfyN1VxAqVLsSE7_23EC-gfGEg_5znew9PyXXsOIE-K_HH7IQowRrlZ1X_bM_Liu53RzDpLDvRz59mp3S8L56YqpM8FexFGTGpEaoTcEIst375qncYt3-79IVR7gZN1RWsWgjPatfvVbnh74PglQcATSf3UUhaW0OAKn6q7r3PDx6DIKQ35bgHQg5QopuN00eIfLQL2trGw.W3grIVj5HVuAb76X.6PcuDe5D6ttWFYyv0oqqdDXfI2R8wBg1F2Q80UUA_Gv8eEimNWfxIWdLxrjzgQGSvIhxmFKuLM0.a93_Ug3uZHuczj70Zavx8Q' * * const { plaintext, protectedHeader } = await compactDecrypt(jwe, privateKey) * * console.log(protectedHeader) * console.log(decoder.decode(plaintext)) * ``` * * @example ESM import * ```js * import { compactDecrypt } from 'jose' * ``` * * @example CJS import * ```js * const { compactDecrypt } = require('jose') * ``` * * @example Deno import * ```js * import { compactDecrypt } from '' * ``` */export async function compactDecrypt( jwe: string | Uint8Array, key: KeyLike | Uint8Array, options?: DecryptOptions,): Promise<CompactDecryptResult>/** * @param jwe Compact JWE. * @param getKey Function resolving Private Key or Secret to decrypt the JWE with. * @param options JWE Decryption options. */export async function compactDecrypt( jwe: string | Uint8Array, getKey: CompactDecryptGetKey, options?: DecryptOptions,): Promise<CompactDecryptResult & ResolvedKey>export async function compactDecrypt( jwe: string | Uint8Array, key: KeyLike | Uint8Array | CompactDecryptGetKey, options?: DecryptOptions,) { if (jwe instanceof Uint8Array) { jwe = decoder.decode(jwe) }
if (typeof jwe !== 'string') { throw new JWEInvalid('Compact JWE must be a string or Uint8Array') } const { 0: protectedHeader, 1: encryptedKey, 2: iv, 3: ciphertext, 4: tag, length, } = jwe.split('.')
if (length !== 5) { throw new JWEInvalid('Invalid Compact JWE') }
const decrypted = await flattenedDecrypt( { ciphertext: <string>(ciphertext || undefined), iv: <string>(iv || undefined), protected: protectedHeader || undefined, tag: <string>(tag || undefined), encrypted_key: encryptedKey || undefined, }, <Parameters<typeof flattenedDecrypt>[1]>key, options, )
const result = { plaintext: decrypted.plaintext, protectedHeader: decrypted.protectedHeader! }
if (typeof key === 'function') { return { ...result, key: decrypted.key } }
return result}