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"JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS with no dependencies using runtime's native crypto in Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Electron, and Deno.
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import { flattenedDecrypt } from '../flattened/decrypt.ts'import { JWEDecryptionFailed, JWEInvalid } from '../../util/errors.ts'import type { KeyLike, DecryptOptions, JWEHeaderParameters, GetKeyFunction, FlattenedJWE, GeneralJWE, GeneralDecryptResult, ResolvedKey,} from '../../types.d.ts'import isObject from '../../lib/is_object.ts'
/** * Interface for General JWE Decryption dynamic key resolution. * No token components have been verified at the time of this function call. */export interface GeneralDecryptGetKey extends GetKeyFunction<JWEHeaderParameters, FlattenedJWE> {}
/** * Decrypts a General JWE. * * @param jwe General JWE. * @param key Private Key or Secret to decrypt the JWE with. * @param options JWE Decryption options. * * @example ESM import * ```js * import { generalDecrypt } from 'jose' * ``` * * @example CJS import * ```js * const { generalDecrypt } = require('jose') * ``` * * @example Deno import * ```js * import { generalDecrypt } from '' * ``` * * @example Usage * ```js * const decoder = new TextDecoder() * const jwe = { * ciphertext: '9EzjFISUyoG-ifC2mSihfP0DPC80yeyrxhTzKt1C_VJBkxeBG0MI4Te61Pk45RAGubUvBpU9jm4', * iv: '8Fy7A_IuoX5VXG9s', * tag: 'W76IYV6arGRuDSaSyWrQNg', * aad: 'VGhlIEZlbGxvd3NoaXAgb2YgdGhlIFJpbmc', * protected: 'eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUC0yNTYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0', * recipients: [ * { * encrypted_key: 'Z6eD4UK_yFb5ZoKvKkGAdqywEG_m0e4IYo0x8Vf30LAMJcsc-_zSgIeiF82teZyYi2YYduHKoqImk7MRnoPZOlEs0Q5BNK1OgBmSOhCE8DFyqh9Zh48TCTP6lmBQ52naqoUJFMtHzu-0LwZH26hxos0GP3Dt19O379MJB837TdKKa87skq0zHaVLAquRHOBF77GI54Bc7O49d8aOrSu1VEFGMThlW2caspPRiTSePDMDPq7_WGk50izRhB3Asl9wmP9wEeaTrkJKRnQj5ips1SAZ1hDBsqEQKKukxP1HtdcopHV5_qgwU8Hjm5EwSLMluMQuiE6hwlkXGOujZLVizA' * } * ] * } * * const { * plaintext, * protectedHeader, * additionalAuthenticatedData * } = await generalDecrypt(jwe, privateKey) * * console.log(protectedHeader) * console.log(decoder.decode(plaintext)) * console.log(decoder.decode(additionalAuthenticatedData)) * ``` */export function generalDecrypt( jwe: GeneralJWE, key: KeyLike | Uint8Array, options?: DecryptOptions,): Promise<GeneralDecryptResult>/** * @param jwe General JWE. * @param getKey Function resolving Private Key or Secret to decrypt the JWE with. * @param options JWE Decryption options. */export function generalDecrypt( jwe: GeneralJWE, getKey: GeneralDecryptGetKey, options?: DecryptOptions,): Promise<GeneralDecryptResult & ResolvedKey>export async function generalDecrypt( jwe: GeneralJWE, key: KeyLike | Uint8Array | GeneralDecryptGetKey, options?: DecryptOptions,) { if (!isObject(jwe)) { throw new JWEInvalid('General JWE must be an object') }
if (!Array.isArray(jwe.recipients) || !jwe.recipients.every(isObject)) { throw new JWEInvalid('JWE Recipients missing or incorrect type') }
for (const recipient of jwe.recipients) { try { return await flattenedDecrypt( { aad: jwe.aad, ciphertext: jwe.ciphertext, encrypted_key: recipient.encrypted_key, header: recipient.header, iv: jwe.iv, protected: jwe.protected, tag: jwe.tag, unprotected: jwe.unprotected, }, <Parameters<typeof flattenedDecrypt>[1]>key, options, ) } catch { // } } throw new JWEDecryptionFailed()}