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"JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes.
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import digest from '../runtime/digest.ts'import { encode as base64url } from '../runtime/base64url.ts'
import { JOSENotSupported, JWKInvalid } from '../util/errors.ts'import { encoder } from '../lib/buffer_utils.ts'import type { JWK } from '../types.d.ts'import isObject from '../lib/is_object.ts'
const check = (value: unknown, description: string) => { if (typeof value !== 'string' || !value) { throw new JWKInvalid(`${description} missing or invalid`) }}
/** * Calculates a base64url-encoded JSON Web Key (JWK) Thumbprint * * @example Usage * * ```js * const thumbprint = await jose.calculateJwkThumbprint({ * kty: 'EC', * crv: 'P-256', * x: 'jJ6Flys3zK9jUhnOHf6G49Dyp5hah6CNP84-gY-n9eo', * y: 'nhI6iD5eFXgBTLt_1p3aip-5VbZeMhxeFSpjfEAf7Ww', * }) * * console.log(thumbprint) * // 'w9eYdC6_s_tLQ8lH6PUpc0mddazaqtPgeC2IgWDiqY8' * ``` * * @param jwk JSON Web Key. * @param digestAlgorithm Digest Algorithm to use for calculating the thumbprint. Default is * "sha256". * @see [RFC7638]( */export async function calculateJwkThumbprint( jwk: JWK, digestAlgorithm?: 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512',): Promise<string> { if (!isObject(jwk)) { throw new TypeError('JWK must be an object') }
digestAlgorithm ??= 'sha256'
if ( digestAlgorithm !== 'sha256' && digestAlgorithm !== 'sha384' && digestAlgorithm !== 'sha512' ) { throw new TypeError('digestAlgorithm must one of "sha256", "sha384", or "sha512"') }
let components: JWK switch (jwk.kty) { case 'EC': check(jwk.crv, '"crv" (Curve) Parameter') check(jwk.x, '"x" (X Coordinate) Parameter') check(jwk.y, '"y" (Y Coordinate) Parameter') components = { crv: jwk.crv, kty: jwk.kty, x: jwk.x, y: jwk.y } break case 'OKP': check(jwk.crv, '"crv" (Subtype of Key Pair) Parameter') check(jwk.x, '"x" (Public Key) Parameter') components = { crv: jwk.crv, kty: jwk.kty, x: jwk.x } break case 'RSA': check(jwk.e, '"e" (Exponent) Parameter') check(jwk.n, '"n" (Modulus) Parameter') components = { e: jwk.e, kty: jwk.kty, n: jwk.n } break case 'oct': check(jwk.k, '"k" (Key Value) Parameter') components = { k: jwk.k, kty: jwk.kty } break default: throw new JOSENotSupported('"kty" (Key Type) Parameter missing or unsupported') }
const data = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(components)) return base64url(await digest(digestAlgorithm, data))}
/** * Calculates a JSON Web Key (JWK) Thumbprint URI * * @example Usage * * ```js * const thumbprintUri = await jose.calculateJwkThumbprintUri({ * kty: 'EC', * crv: 'P-256', * x: 'jJ6Flys3zK9jUhnOHf6G49Dyp5hah6CNP84-gY-n9eo', * y: 'nhI6iD5eFXgBTLt_1p3aip-5VbZeMhxeFSpjfEAf7Ww', * }) * * console.log(thumbprint) * // 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:jwk-thumbprint:sha-256:w9eYdC6_s_tLQ8lH6PUpc0mddazaqtPgeC2IgWDiqY8' * ``` * * @param jwk JSON Web Key. * @param digestAlgorithm Digest Algorithm to use for calculating the thumbprint. Default is * "sha256". * @see [RFC9278]( */export async function calculateJwkThumbprintUri( jwk: JWK, digestAlgorithm?: 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512',): Promise<string> { digestAlgorithm ??= 'sha256' const thumbprint = await calculateJwkThumbprint(jwk, digestAlgorithm) return `urn:ietf:params:oauth:jwk-thumbprint:sha-${digestAlgorithm.slice(-3)}:${thumbprint}`}