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import { generateKeyPair as generate } from '../runtime/generate.ts'
import type { KeyLike } from '../types.d.ts'
export interface GenerateKeyPairResult { /** The generated Private Key. */ privateKey: KeyLike
/** Public Key corresponding to the generated Private Key. */ publicKey: KeyLike}
export interface GenerateKeyPairOptions { /** * The EC "crv" (Curve) or OKP "crv" (Subtype of Key Pair) value to generate. The curve must be * both supported on the runtime as well as applicable for the given JWA algorithm identifier. */ crv?: string
/** * A hint for RSA algorithms to generate an RSA key of a given `modulusLength` (Key size in bits). * JOSE requires 2048 bits or larger. Default is 2048. */ modulusLength?: number
/** * (Web Cryptography API specific) The value to use as * [SubtleCrypto.generateKey()]( * `extractable` argument. Default is false. */ extractable?: boolean}
/** * Generates a private and a public key for a given JWA algorithm identifier. This can only generate * asymmetric key pairs. For symmetric secrets use the `generateSecret` function. * * Note: Under Web Cryptography API runtime the `privateKey` is generated with `extractable` set to * `false` by default. * * @example Usage * * ```js * const { publicKey, privateKey } = await jose.generateKeyPair('PS256') * console.log(publicKey) * console.log(privateKey) * ``` * * @param alg JWA Algorithm Identifier to be used with the generated key pair. * @param options Additional options passed down to the key pair generation. */export async function generateKeyPair( alg: string, options?: GenerateKeyPairOptions,): Promise<GenerateKeyPairResult> { return generate(alg, options)}