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"JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes.
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import fetchJwks from '../runtime/fetch_jwks.ts'import { isCloudflareWorkers } from '../runtime/env.ts'
import type { KeyLike, JWSHeaderParameters, FlattenedJWSInput } from '../types.d.ts'import { JWKSInvalid, JWKSNoMatchingKey } from '../util/errors.ts'
import { isJWKSLike, LocalJWKSet } from './local.ts'
/** Options for the remote JSON Web Key Set. */export interface RemoteJWKSetOptions { /** * Timeout (in milliseconds) for the HTTP request. When reached the request will be aborted and * the verification will fail. Default is 5000 (5 seconds). */ timeoutDuration?: number
/** * Duration (in milliseconds) for which no more HTTP requests will be triggered after a previous * successful fetch. Default is 30000 (30 seconds). */ cooldownDuration?: number
/** * Maximum time (in milliseconds) between successful HTTP requests. Default is 600000 (10 * minutes). */ cacheMaxAge?: number | typeof Infinity
/** * An instance of [http.Agent]( or * [https.Agent]( to pass to the * [http.get]( or * [https.get]( method's options. Use * when behind an http(s) proxy. This is a Node.js runtime specific option, it is ignored when * used outside of Node.js runtime. */ agent?: any
/** Optional headers to be sent with the HTTP request. */ headers?: Record<string, string>}
class RemoteJWKSet extends LocalJWKSet { private _url: URL
private _timeoutDuration: number
private _cooldownDuration: number
private _cacheMaxAge: number
private _jwksTimestamp?: number
private _pendingFetch?: Promise<unknown>
private _options: Pick<RemoteJWKSetOptions, 'agent' | 'headers'>
constructor(url: unknown, options?: RemoteJWKSetOptions) { super({ keys: [] })
this._jwks = undefined
if (!(url instanceof URL)) { throw new TypeError('url must be an instance of URL') } this._url = new URL(url.href) this._options = { agent: options?.agent, headers: options?.headers } this._timeoutDuration = typeof options?.timeoutDuration === 'number' ? options?.timeoutDuration : 5000 this._cooldownDuration = typeof options?.cooldownDuration === 'number' ? options?.cooldownDuration : 30000 this._cacheMaxAge = typeof options?.cacheMaxAge === 'number' ? options?.cacheMaxAge : 600000 }
coolingDown() { return typeof this._jwksTimestamp === 'number' ? < this._jwksTimestamp + this._cooldownDuration : false }
fresh() { return typeof this._jwksTimestamp === 'number' ? < this._jwksTimestamp + this._cacheMaxAge : false }
async getKey(protectedHeader?: JWSHeaderParameters, token?: FlattenedJWSInput): Promise<KeyLike> { if (!this._jwks || !this.fresh()) { await this.reload() }
try { return await super.getKey(protectedHeader, token) } catch (err) { if (err instanceof JWKSNoMatchingKey) { if (this.coolingDown() === false) { await this.reload() return super.getKey(protectedHeader, token) } } throw err } }
async reload() { // see if (this._pendingFetch && isCloudflareWorkers()) { return new Promise<void>((resolve) => { const isDone = () => { if (this._pendingFetch === undefined) { resolve() } else { setTimeout(isDone, 5) } } isDone() }) }
if (!this._pendingFetch) { this._pendingFetch = fetchJwks(this._url, this._timeoutDuration, this._options) .then((json) => { if (!isJWKSLike(json)) { throw new JWKSInvalid('JSON Web Key Set malformed') }
this._jwks = { keys: json.keys } this._jwksTimestamp = this._pendingFetch = undefined }) .catch((err: Error) => { this._pendingFetch = undefined throw err }) }
await this._pendingFetch }}
/** * Returns a function that resolves to a key object downloaded from a remote endpoint returning a * JSON Web Key Set, that is, for example, an OAuth 2.0 or OIDC jwks_uri. The JSON Web Key Set is * fetched when no key matches the selection process but only as frequently as the * `cooldownDuration` option allows to prevent abuse. * * It uses the "alg" (JWS Algorithm) Header Parameter to determine the right JWK "kty" (Key Type), * then proceeds to match the JWK "kid" (Key ID) with one found in the JWS Header Parameters (if * there is one) while also respecting the JWK "use" (Public Key Use) and JWK "key_ops" (Key * Operations) Parameters (if they are present on the JWK). * * Only a single public key must match the selection process. As shown in the example below when * multiple keys get matched it is possible to opt-in to iterate over the matched keys and attempt * verification in an iterative manner. * * @example Usage * * ```js * const JWKS = jose.createRemoteJWKSet(new URL('')) * * const { payload, protectedHeader } = await jose.jwtVerify(jwt, JWKS, { * issuer: 'urn:example:issuer', * audience: 'urn:example:audience', * }) * console.log(protectedHeader) * console.log(payload) * ``` * * @example Opting-in to multiple JWKS matches using `createRemoteJWKSet` * * ```js * const options = { * issuer: 'urn:example:issuer', * audience: 'urn:example:audience', * } * const { payload, protectedHeader } = await jose * .jwtVerify(jwt, JWKS, options) * .catch(async (error) => { * if (error?.code === 'ERR_JWKS_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_KEYS') { * for await (const publicKey of error) { * try { * return await jose.jwtVerify(jwt, publicKey, options) * } catch (innerError) { * if (innerError?.code === 'ERR_JWS_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED') { * continue * } * throw innerError * } * } * throw new jose.errors.JWSSignatureVerificationFailed() * } * * throw error * }) * console.log(protectedHeader) * console.log(payload) * ``` * * @param url URL to fetch the JSON Web Key Set from. * @param options Options for the remote JSON Web Key Set. */export function createRemoteJWKSet(url: URL, options?: RemoteJWKSetOptions) { return RemoteJWKSet.prototype.getKey.bind(new RemoteJWKSet(url, options))}