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"JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes.
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import { decode as base64url } from '../../runtime/base64url.ts'import verify from '../../runtime/verify.ts'
import { JOSEAlgNotAllowed, JWSInvalid, JWSSignatureVerificationFailed } from '../../util/errors.ts'import { concat, encoder, decoder } from '../../lib/buffer_utils.ts'import isDisjoint from '../../lib/is_disjoint.ts'import isObject from '../../lib/is_object.ts'import checkKeyType from '../../lib/check_key_type.ts'import validateCrit from '../../lib/validate_crit.ts'import validateAlgorithms from '../../lib/validate_algorithms.ts'
import type { FlattenedVerifyResult, KeyLike, FlattenedJWSInput, JWSHeaderParameters, VerifyOptions, GetKeyFunction, ResolvedKey,} from '../../types.d.ts'
/** * Interface for Flattened JWS Verification dynamic key resolution. No token components have been * verified at the time of this function call. * * See * [createRemoteJWKSet](../functions/ * to verify using a remote JSON Web Key Set. */export interface FlattenedVerifyGetKey extends GetKeyFunction<JWSHeaderParameters | undefined, FlattenedJWSInput> {}
/** * Verifies the signature and format of and afterwards decodes the Flattened JWS. * * @example Usage * * ```js * const decoder = new TextDecoder() * const jws = { * signature: * 'FVVOXwj6kD3DqdfD9yYqfT2W9jv-Nop4kOehp_DeDGNB5dQNSPRvntBY6xH3uxlCxE8na9d_kyhYOcanpDJ0EA', * payload: 'SXTigJlzIGEgZGFuZ2Vyb3VzIGJ1c2luZXNzLCBGcm9kbywgZ29pbmcgb3V0IHlvdXIgZG9vci4', * protected: 'eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9', * } * * const { payload, protectedHeader } = await jose.flattenedVerify(jws, publicKey) * * console.log(protectedHeader) * console.log(decoder.decode(payload)) * ``` * * @param jws Flattened JWS. * @param key Key to verify the JWS with. * @param options JWS Verify options. */export function flattenedVerify( jws: FlattenedJWSInput, key: KeyLike | Uint8Array, options?: VerifyOptions,): Promise<FlattenedVerifyResult>/** * @param jws Flattened JWS. * @param getKey Function resolving a key to verify the JWS with. * @param options JWS Verify options. */export function flattenedVerify( jws: FlattenedJWSInput, getKey: FlattenedVerifyGetKey, options?: VerifyOptions,): Promise<FlattenedVerifyResult & ResolvedKey>export async function flattenedVerify( jws: FlattenedJWSInput, key: KeyLike | Uint8Array | FlattenedVerifyGetKey, options?: VerifyOptions,) { if (!isObject(jws)) { throw new JWSInvalid('Flattened JWS must be an object') }
if (jws.protected === undefined && jws.header === undefined) { throw new JWSInvalid('Flattened JWS must have either of the "protected" or "header" members') }
if (jws.protected !== undefined && typeof jws.protected !== 'string') { throw new JWSInvalid('JWS Protected Header incorrect type') }
if (jws.payload === undefined) { throw new JWSInvalid('JWS Payload missing') }
if (typeof jws.signature !== 'string') { throw new JWSInvalid('JWS Signature missing or incorrect type') }
if (jws.header !== undefined && !isObject(jws.header)) { throw new JWSInvalid('JWS Unprotected Header incorrect type') }
let parsedProt: JWSHeaderParameters = {} if (jws.protected) { try { const protectedHeader = base64url(jws.protected) parsedProt = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(protectedHeader)) } catch { throw new JWSInvalid('JWS Protected Header is invalid') } } if (!isDisjoint(parsedProt, jws.header)) { throw new JWSInvalid( 'JWS Protected and JWS Unprotected Header Parameter names must be disjoint', ) }
const joseHeader: JWSHeaderParameters = { ...parsedProt, ...jws.header, }
const extensions = validateCrit( JWSInvalid, new Map([['b64', true]]), options?.crit, parsedProt, joseHeader, )
let b64: boolean = true if (extensions.has('b64')) { b64 = parsedProt.b64! if (typeof b64 !== 'boolean') { throw new JWSInvalid( 'The "b64" (base64url-encode payload) Header Parameter must be a boolean', ) } }
const { alg } = joseHeader
if (typeof alg !== 'string' || !alg) { throw new JWSInvalid('JWS "alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter missing or invalid') }
const algorithms = options && validateAlgorithms('algorithms', options.algorithms)
if (algorithms && !algorithms.has(alg)) { throw new JOSEAlgNotAllowed('"alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter not allowed') }
if (b64) { if (typeof jws.payload !== 'string') { throw new JWSInvalid('JWS Payload must be a string') } } else if (typeof jws.payload !== 'string' && !(jws.payload instanceof Uint8Array)) { throw new JWSInvalid('JWS Payload must be a string or an Uint8Array instance') }
let resolvedKey = false if (typeof key === 'function') { key = await key(parsedProt, jws) resolvedKey = true }
checkKeyType(alg, key, 'verify')
const data = concat( encoder.encode(jws.protected ?? ''), encoder.encode('.'), typeof jws.payload === 'string' ? encoder.encode(jws.payload) : jws.payload, ) const signature = base64url(jws.signature) const verified = await verify(alg, key, signature, data)
if (!verified) { throw new JWSSignatureVerificationFailed() }
let payload: Uint8Array if (b64) { payload = base64url(jws.payload) } else if (typeof jws.payload === 'string') { payload = encoder.encode(jws.payload) } else { payload = jws.payload }
const result: FlattenedVerifyResult = { payload }
if (jws.protected !== undefined) { result.protectedHeader = parsedProt }
if (jws.header !== undefined) { result.unprotectedHeader = jws.header }
if (resolvedKey) { return { ...result, key } }
return result}