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import { encoder, concat, uint32be, lengthAndInput, concatKdf } from '../lib/buffer_utils.ts'import crypto, { isCryptoKey } from './webcrypto.ts'import { checkEncCryptoKey } from '../lib/crypto_key.ts'import invalidKeyInput from '../lib/invalid_key_input.ts'import { types } from './is_key_like.ts'
export async function deriveKey( publicKey: unknown, privateKey: unknown, algorithm: string, keyLength: number, apu: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(0), apv: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(0),) { if (!isCryptoKey(publicKey)) { throw new TypeError(invalidKeyInput(publicKey, ...types)) } checkEncCryptoKey(publicKey, 'ECDH') if (!isCryptoKey(privateKey)) { throw new TypeError(invalidKeyInput(privateKey, ...types)) } checkEncCryptoKey(privateKey, 'ECDH', 'deriveBits')
const value = concat( lengthAndInput(encoder.encode(algorithm)), lengthAndInput(apu), lengthAndInput(apv), uint32be(keyLength), )
let length: number if ( === 'X25519') { length = 256 } else if ( === 'X448') { length = 448 } else { length = Math.ceil(parseInt((<EcKeyAlgorithm>publicKey.algorithm).namedCurve.substr(-3), 10) / 8) << 3 }
const sharedSecret = new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.deriveBits( { name:, public: publicKey, }, privateKey, length, ), )
return concatKdf(sharedSecret, keyLength, value)}
export async function generateEpk(key: unknown) { if (!isCryptoKey(key)) { throw new TypeError(invalidKeyInput(key, ...types)) }
return crypto.subtle.generateKey(<EcKeyAlgorithm>key.algorithm, true, ['deriveBits'])}
export function ecdhAllowed(key: unknown) { if (!isCryptoKey(key)) { throw new TypeError(invalidKeyInput(key, ...types)) } return ( ['P-256', 'P-384', 'P-521'].includes((<EcKeyAlgorithm>key.algorithm).namedCurve) || === 'X25519' || === 'X448' )}