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import type { Pbes2KWDecryptFunction, Pbes2KWEncryptFunction } from './interfaces.d.ts'import random from './random.ts'import { p2s as concatSalt } from '../lib/buffer_utils.ts'import { encode as base64url } from './base64url.ts'import { wrap, unwrap } from './aeskw.ts'import checkP2s from '../lib/check_p2s.ts'import crypto, { isCryptoKey } from './webcrypto.ts'import { checkEncCryptoKey } from '../lib/crypto_key.ts'import invalidKeyInput from '../lib/invalid_key_input.ts'import { types } from './is_key_like.ts'
function getCryptoKey(key: unknown, alg: string) { if (key instanceof Uint8Array) { return crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', key, 'PBKDF2', false, ['deriveBits']) }
if (isCryptoKey(key)) { checkEncCryptoKey(key, alg, 'deriveBits', 'deriveKey') return key }
throw new TypeError(invalidKeyInput(key, ...types, 'Uint8Array'))}
async function deriveKey(p2s: Uint8Array, alg: string, p2c: number, key: unknown) { checkP2s(p2s)
const salt = concatSalt(alg, p2s) const keylen = parseInt(alg.slice(13, 16), 10) const subtleAlg = { hash: `SHA-${alg.slice(8, 11)}`, iterations: p2c, name: 'PBKDF2', salt, } const wrapAlg = { length: keylen, name: 'AES-KW', }
const cryptoKey = await getCryptoKey(key, alg)
if (cryptoKey.usages.includes('deriveBits')) { return new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.deriveBits(subtleAlg, cryptoKey, keylen)) }
if (cryptoKey.usages.includes('deriveKey')) { return crypto.subtle.deriveKey(subtleAlg, cryptoKey, wrapAlg, false, ['wrapKey', 'unwrapKey']) }
throw new TypeError('PBKDF2 key "usages" must include "deriveBits" or "deriveKey"')}
export const encrypt: Pbes2KWEncryptFunction = async ( alg: string, key: unknown, cek: Uint8Array, p2c: number = 2048, p2s: Uint8Array = random(new Uint8Array(16)),) => { const derived = await deriveKey(p2s, alg, p2c, key)
const encryptedKey = await wrap(alg.slice(-6), derived, cek)
return { encryptedKey, p2c, p2s: base64url(p2s) }}
export const decrypt: Pbes2KWDecryptFunction = async ( alg: string, key: unknown, encryptedKey: Uint8Array, p2c: number, p2s: Uint8Array,) => { const derived = await deriveKey(p2s, alg, p2c, key)
return unwrap(alg.slice(-6), derived, encryptedKey)}