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"JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS with no dependencies using runtime's native crypto in Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Electron, and Deno.
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import { compactVerify } from '../jws/compact/verify.ts'import type { KeyLike, VerifyOptions, JWTClaimVerificationOptions, JWTHeaderParameters, GetKeyFunction, FlattenedJWSInput, JWTVerifyResult, ResolvedKey,} from '../types.d.ts'import jwtPayload from '../lib/jwt_claims_set.ts'import { JWTInvalid } from '../util/errors.ts'
/** * Combination of JWS Verification options and JWT Claims Set verification options. */export interface JWTVerifyOptions extends VerifyOptions, JWTClaimVerificationOptions {}
/** * Interface for JWT Verification dynamic key resolution. * No token components have been verified at the time of this function call. * * See [createRemoteJWKSet](../functions/ * to verify using a remote JSON Web Key Set. */export interface JWTVerifyGetKey extends GetKeyFunction<JWTHeaderParameters, FlattenedJWSInput> {}
/** * Verifies the JWT format (to be a JWS Compact format), verifies the JWS signature, validates the JWT Claims Set. * * @param jwt JSON Web Token value (encoded as JWS). * @param key Key to verify the JWT with. * @param options JWT Decryption and JWT Claims Set validation options. * * @example Usage * ```js * const jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6dHJ1ZSwiaWF0IjoxNjA0MzE1MDc0LCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTppc3N1ZXIiLCJhdWQiOiJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTphdWRpZW5jZSJ9.hx1nOfAT5LlXuzu8O-bhjXBGpklWDt2EsHw7-MDn49NrnwvVsstNhEnkW2ddauB7eSikFtUNeumLpFI9CWDBsg' * * const { payload, protectedHeader } = await jose.jwtVerify(jwt, publicKey, { * issuer: 'urn:example:issuer', * audience: 'urn:example:audience' * }) * * console.log(protectedHeader) * console.log(payload) * ``` */export async function jwtVerify( jwt: string | Uint8Array, key: KeyLike | Uint8Array, options?: JWTVerifyOptions,): Promise<JWTVerifyResult>/** * @param jwt JSON Web Token value (encoded as JWS). * @param getKey Function resolving a key to verify the JWT with. * @param options JWT Decryption and JWT Claims Set validation options. */export async function jwtVerify( jwt: string | Uint8Array, getKey: JWTVerifyGetKey, options?: JWTVerifyOptions,): Promise<JWTVerifyResult & ResolvedKey>export async function jwtVerify( jwt: string | Uint8Array, key: KeyLike | Uint8Array | JWTVerifyGetKey, options?: JWTVerifyOptions,) { const verified = await compactVerify(jwt, <Parameters<typeof compactVerify>[1]>key, options) if (verified.protectedHeader.crit?.includes('b64') && verified.protectedHeader.b64 === false) { throw new JWTInvalid('JWTs MUST NOT use unencoded payload') } const payload = jwtPayload(verified.protectedHeader, verified.payload, options) const result = { payload, protectedHeader: verified.protectedHeader } if (typeof key === 'function') { return { ...result, key: verified.key } } return result}