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"JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS with no dependencies using runtime's native crypto in Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Electron, and Deno.
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import { decode as decodeBase64URL, encodeBase64, decodeBase64 } from '../runtime/base64url.ts'import { fromSPKI as importPublic } from '../runtime/asn1.ts'import { fromPKCS8 as importPrivate } from '../runtime/asn1.ts'import asKeyObject from '../runtime/jwk_to_key.ts'
import { JOSENotSupported } from '../util/errors.ts'import formatPEM from '../lib/format_pem.ts'import isObject from '../lib/is_object.ts'import type { JWK, KeyLike } from '../types.d.ts'
function getElement(seq: Uint8Array) { let result = [] let next = 0
while (next < seq.length) { let nextPart = parseElement(seq.subarray(next)) result.push(nextPart) next += nextPart.byteLength } return result}
function parseElement(bytes: Uint8Array) { let position = 0
// tag let tag = bytes[0] & 0x1f position++ if (tag === 0x1f) { tag = 0 while (bytes[position] >= 0x80) { tag = tag * 128 + bytes[position] - 0x80 position++ } tag = tag * 128 + bytes[position] - 0x80 position++ }
// length let length = 0 if (bytes[position] < 0x80) { length = bytes[position] position++ } else { let numberOfDigits = bytes[position] & 0x7f position++ length = 0 for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDigits; i++) { length = length * 256 + bytes[position] position++ } }
if (length === 0x80) { length = 0
while (bytes[position + length] !== 0 || bytes[position + length + 1] !== 0) { length++ }
const byteLength = position + length + 2 return { byteLength, contents: bytes.subarray(position, position + length), raw: bytes.subarray(0, byteLength), } }
const byteLength = position + length return { byteLength, contents: bytes.subarray(position, byteLength), raw: bytes.subarray(0, byteLength), }}
function spkiFromX509(buf: Uint8Array) { const tbsCertificate = getElement(getElement(parseElement(buf).contents)[0].contents) return encodeBase64(tbsCertificate[tbsCertificate[0].raw[0] === 0xa0 ? 6 : 5].raw)}
function getSPKI(x509: string): string { const pem = x509.replace(/(?:-----(?:BEGIN|END) CERTIFICATE-----|\s)/g, '') const raw = decodeBase64(pem) return formatPEM(spkiFromX509(raw), 'PUBLIC KEY')}
export interface PEMImportOptions { /** * (Web Cryptography API specific) The value to use as * [SubtleCrypto.importKey()]( * `extractable` argument. Default is false. */ extractable?: boolean}
/** * Imports a PEM-encoded SPKI string as a runtime-specific public key representation (KeyObject or CryptoKey). * See [Algorithm Key Requirements]( to learn about key to algorithm * requirements and mapping. * * @param pem PEM-encoded SPKI string * @param alg JSON Web Algorithm identifier to be used with the imported key. * * @example Usage * ```js * const algorithm = 'ES256' * const spki = `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- * MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEFlHHWfLk0gLBbsLTcuCrbCqoHqmM * YJepMC+Q+Dd6RBmBiA41evUsNMwLeN+PNFqib+xwi9JkJ8qhZkq8Y/IzGg== * -----END PUBLIC KEY-----` * const ecPublicKey = await jose.importSPKI(spki, algorithm) * ``` */export async function importSPKI( spki: string, alg: string, options?: PEMImportOptions,): Promise<KeyLike> { if (typeof spki !== 'string' || spki.indexOf('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----') !== 0) { throw new TypeError('"spki" must be SPKI formatted string') } return importPublic(spki, alg, options)}
/** * Imports the SPKI from an X.509 string certificate as a runtime-specific public key representation (KeyObject or CryptoKey). * See [Algorithm Key Requirements]( to learn about key to algorithm * requirements and mapping. * * @param pem X.509 certificate string * @param alg JSON Web Algorithm identifier to be used with the imported key. * * @example Usage * ```js * const algorithm = 'ES256' * const x509 = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- * MIIBXjCCAQSgAwIBAgIGAXvykuMKMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCMDYxNDAyBgNVBAMMK3Np * QXBNOXpBdk1VaXhXVWVGaGtjZXg1NjJRRzFyQUhXaV96UlFQTVpQaG8wHhcNMjEw * OTE3MDcwNTE3WhcNMjIwNzE0MDcwNTE3WjA2MTQwMgYDVQQDDCtzaUFwTTl6QXZN * VWl4V1VlRmhrY2V4NTYyUUcxckFIV2lfelJRUE1aUGhvMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYI * KoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8PbPvCv5D5xBFHEZlBp/q5OEUymq7RIgWIi7tkl9aGSpYE35 * UH+kBKDnphJO3odpPZ5gvgKs2nwRWcrDnUjYLDAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNIADBFAiEA * 1yyMTRe66MhEXID9+uVub7woMkNYd0LhSHwKSPMUUTkCIFQGsfm1ecXOpeGOufAh * v+A1QWZMuTWqYt+uh/YSRNDn * -----END CERTIFICATE-----` * const ecPublicKey = await jose.importX509(x509, algorithm) * ``` */export async function importX509( x509: string, alg: string, options?: PEMImportOptions,): Promise<KeyLike> { if (typeof x509 !== 'string' || x509.indexOf('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----') !== 0) { throw new TypeError('"x509" must be X.509 formatted string') } const spki = getSPKI(x509) return importPublic(spki, alg, options)}
/** * Imports a PEM-encoded PKCS8 string as a runtime-specific private key representation (KeyObject or CryptoKey). * See [Algorithm Key Requirements]( to learn about key to algorithm * requirements and mapping. Encrypted keys are not supported. * * @param pem PEM-encoded PKCS8 string * @param alg JSON Web Algorithm identifier to be used with the imported key. * * @example Usage * ```js * const algorithm = 'ES256' * const pkcs8 = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- * MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgiyvo0X+VQ0yIrOaN * nlrnUclopnvuuMfoc8HHly3505OhRANCAAQWUcdZ8uTSAsFuwtNy4KtsKqgeqYxg * l6kwL5D4N3pEGYGIDjV69Sw0zAt43480WqJv7HCL0mQnyqFmSrxj8jMa * -----END PRIVATE KEY-----` * const ecPrivateKey = await jose.importPKCS8(pkcs8, algorithm) * ``` */export async function importPKCS8( pkcs8: string, alg: string, options?: PEMImportOptions,): Promise<KeyLike> { if (typeof pkcs8 !== 'string' || pkcs8.indexOf('-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----') !== 0) { throw new TypeError('"pkcs8" must be PCKS8 formatted string') } return importPrivate(pkcs8, alg, options)}
/** * Imports a JWK to a runtime-specific key representation (KeyLike). Either * JWK "alg" (Algorithm) Parameter must be present or the optional "alg" argument. When * running on a runtime using [Web Cryptography API]( * the jwk parameters "use", "key_ops", and "ext" are also used in the resulting `CryptoKey`. * See [Algorithm Key Requirements]( to learn about key to algorithm * requirements and mapping. * * @param jwk JSON Web Key. * @param alg JSON Web Algorithm identifier to be used with the imported key. * Default is the "alg" property on the JWK. * @param octAsKeyObject Forces a symmetric key to be imported to a KeyObject or * CryptoKey. Default is true unless JWK "ext" (Extractable) is true. * * @example Usage * ```js * const ecPublicKey = await jose.importJWK({ * crv: 'P-256', * kty: 'EC', * x: 'ySK38C1jBdLwDsNWKzzBHqKYEE5Cgv-qjWvorUXk9fw', * y: '_LeQBw07cf5t57Iavn4j-BqJsAD1dpoz8gokd3sBsOo' * }, 'ES256') * * const rsaPublicKey = await jose.importJWK({ * kty: 'RSA', * e: 'AQAB', * n: '12oBZRhCiZFJLcPg59LkZZ9mdhSMTKAQZYq32k_ti5SBB6jerkh-WzOMAO664r_qyLkqHUSp3u5SbXtseZEpN3XPWGKSxjsy-1JyEFTdLSYe6f9gfrmxkUF_7DTpq0gn6rntP05g2-wFW50YO7mosfdslfrTJYWHFhJALabAeYirYD7-9kqq9ebfFMF4sRRELbv9oi36As6Q9B3Qb5_C1rAzqfao_PCsf9EPsTZsVVVkA5qoIAr47lo1ipfiBPxUCCNSdvkmDTYgvvRm6ZoMjFbvOtgyts55fXKdMWv7I9HMD5HwE9uW839PWA514qhbcIsXEYSFMPMV6fnlsiZvQQ' * }, 'PS256') * ``` */export async function importJWK( jwk: JWK, alg?: string, octAsKeyObject?: boolean,): Promise<KeyLike | Uint8Array> { if (!isObject(jwk)) { throw new TypeError('JWK must be an object') }
alg ||= jwk.alg
if (typeof alg !== 'string' || !alg) { throw new TypeError('"alg" argument is required when "jwk.alg" is not present') }
switch (jwk.kty) { case 'oct': if (typeof jwk.k !== 'string' || !jwk.k) { throw new TypeError('missing "k" (Key Value) Parameter value') }
octAsKeyObject ??= jwk.ext !== true
if (octAsKeyObject) { return asKeyObject({ ...jwk, alg, ext: false }) }
return decodeBase64URL(jwk.k) case 'RSA': if (jwk.oth !== undefined) { throw new JOSENotSupported( 'RSA JWK "oth" (Other Primes Info) Parameter value is not supported', ) } case 'EC': case 'OKP': return asKeyObject({ ...jwk, alg }) default: throw new JOSENotSupported('Unsupported "kty" (Key Type) Parameter value') }}