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JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes.
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class ProduceJWT
import { ProduceJWT } from "";

Generic class for JWT producing.


ProduceJWT(payload?: JWTPayload)


_payload: JWTPayload


setAudience(audience: string | string[]): this

Set the "aud" (Audience) Claim.

setExpirationTime(input: number | string | Date): this

Set the "exp" (Expiration Time) Claim.

  • If a number is passed as an argument it is used as the claim directly.
  • If a Date instance is passed as an argument it is converted to unix timestamp and used as the claim.
  • If a string is passed as an argument it is resolved to a time span, and then added to the current unix timestamp and used as the claim.

Format used for time span should be a number followed by a unit, such as "5 minutes" or "1 day".

Valid units are: "sec", "secs", "second", "seconds", "s", "minute", "minutes", "min", "mins", "m", "hour", "hours", "hr", "hrs", "h", "day", "days", "d", "week", "weeks", "w", "year", "years", "yr", "yrs", and "y". It is not possible to specify months. 365.25 days is used as an alias for a year.

If the string is suffixed with "ago", or prefixed with a "-", the resulting time span gets subtracted from the current unix timestamp. A "from now" suffix can also be used for readability when adding to the current unix timestamp.

setIssuedAt(input?: number | string | Date): this

Set the "iat" (Issued At) Claim.

  • If no argument is used the current unix timestamp is used as the claim.
  • If a number is passed as an argument it is used as the claim directly.
  • If a Date instance is passed as an argument it is converted to unix timestamp and used as the claim.
  • If a string is passed as an argument it is resolved to a time span, and then added to the current unix timestamp and used as the claim.

Format used for time span should be a number followed by a unit, such as "5 minutes" or "1 day".

Valid units are: "sec", "secs", "second", "seconds", "s", "minute", "minutes", "min", "mins", "m", "hour", "hours", "hr", "hrs", "h", "day", "days", "d", "week", "weeks", "w", "year", "years", "yr", "yrs", and "y". It is not possible to specify months. 365.25 days is used as an alias for a year.

If the string is suffixed with "ago", or prefixed with a "-", the resulting time span gets subtracted from the current unix timestamp. A "from now" suffix can also be used for readability when adding to the current unix timestamp.

setIssuer(issuer: string): this

Set the "iss" (Issuer) Claim.

setJti(jwtId: string): this

Set the "jti" (JWT ID) Claim.

setNotBefore(input: number | string | Date): this

Set the "nbf" (Not Before) Claim.

  • If a number is passed as an argument it is used as the claim directly.
  • If a Date instance is passed as an argument it is converted to unix timestamp and used as the claim.
  • If a string is passed as an argument it is resolved to a time span, and then added to the current unix timestamp and used as the claim.

Format used for time span should be a number followed by a unit, such as "5 minutes" or "1 day".

Valid units are: "sec", "secs", "second", "seconds", "s", "minute", "minutes", "min", "mins", "m", "hour", "hours", "hr", "hrs", "h", "day", "days", "d", "week", "weeks", "w", "year", "years", "yr", "yrs", and "y". It is not possible to specify months. 365.25 days is used as an alias for a year.

If the string is suffixed with "ago", or prefixed with a "-", the resulting time span gets subtracted from the current unix timestamp. A "from now" suffix can also be used for readability when adding to the current unix timestamp.

setSubject(subject: string): this

Set the "sub" (Subject) Claim.