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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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import { StrictMode, useState } from 'react'import { fireEvent, render, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'import { Provider, atom, useAtom } from 'jotai'import { useAtomsSnapshot } from 'jotai/devtools'
it('[DEV-ONLY] should register newly added atoms', async () => { __DEV__ = true const countAtom = atom(1) const petAtom = atom('cat')
const DisplayCount = () => { const [clicked, setClicked] = useState(false) const [count] = useAtom(countAtom)
return ( <> <p>count: {count}</p> <button onClick={() => setClicked(true)}>click</button> {clicked && <DisplayPet />} </> ) }
const DisplayPet = () => { const [pet] = useAtom(petAtom) return <p>pet: {pet}</p> }
const RegisteredAtomsCount = () => { const atoms = useAtomsSnapshot().values
return <p>atom count: {atoms.size}</p> }
const { findByText, getByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Provider> <DisplayCount /> <RegisteredAtomsCount /> </Provider> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('atom count: 1')'click')) await findByText('atom count: 2')})
it('[DEV-ONLY] should let you access atoms and their state', async () => { __DEV__ = true const countAtom = atom(1) countAtom.debugLabel = 'countAtom' const petAtom = atom('cat') petAtom.debugLabel = 'petAtom'
const Displayer = () => { useAtom(countAtom) useAtom(petAtom) return null }
const SimpleDevtools = () => { const atoms = useAtomsSnapshot().values
return ( <div> {Array.from(atoms).map(([atom, atomValue]) => ( <p key={atom.debugLabel}>{`${atom.debugLabel}: ${atomValue}`}</p> ))} </div> ) }
const { findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Provider> <Displayer /> <SimpleDevtools /> </Provider> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('countAtom: 1') await findByText('petAtom: cat')})
it('[DEV-ONLY] should contain initial values', async () => { __DEV__ = true const countAtom = atom(1) countAtom.debugLabel = 'countAtom' const petAtom = atom('cat') petAtom.debugLabel = 'petAtom'
const Displayer = () => { useAtom(countAtom) useAtom(petAtom) return null }
const SimpleDevtools = () => { const atoms = useAtomsSnapshot().values
return ( <div> {Array.from(atoms).map(([atom, atomValue]) => ( <p key={atom.debugLabel}>{`${atom.debugLabel}: ${atomValue}`}</p> ))} </div> ) }
const { findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Provider initialValues={[ [countAtom, 42], [petAtom, 'dog'], ]}> <Displayer /> <SimpleDevtools /> </Provider> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('countAtom: 42') await findByText('petAtom: dog')})
it('[DEV-ONLY] conditional dependencies + updating state should call devtools.send', async () => { __DEV__ = true const countAtom = atom(0) countAtom.debugLabel = 'countAtom' const secondCountAtom = atom(0) secondCountAtom.debugLabel = 'secondCountAtom' const enabledAtom = atom(true) enabledAtom.debugLabel = 'enabledAtom' const anAtom = atom((get) => get(enabledAtom) ? get(countAtom) : get(secondCountAtom) ) anAtom.debugLabel = 'anAtom' const App = () => { const [enabled, setEnabled] = useAtom(enabledAtom) const [cond] = useAtom(anAtom)
return ( <div className="App"> <h1>enabled: {enabled ? 'true' : 'false'}</h1> <h1>condition: {cond}</h1> <button onClick={() => setEnabled(!enabled)}>change</button> </div> ) }
const SimpleDevtools = () => { const { dependents } = useAtomsSnapshot()
const obj: Record<string, string[]> = {}
for (const [atom, dependentAtoms] of dependents) { obj[`${atom}`] = [...dependentAtoms].map((_atom) => `${_atom}`) }
return <div>{JSON.stringify(obj)}</div> }
const { getByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Provider> <App /> <SimpleDevtools /> </Provider> </StrictMode> )
await waitFor(() => { getByText('enabled: true') getByText('condition: 0') getByText( JSON.stringify({ [`${enabledAtom}`]: [`${enabledAtom}`, `${anAtom}`], [`${anAtom}`]: [], [`${countAtom}`]: [`${anAtom}`, `${countAtom}`], }) ) })'change')) await waitFor(() => { getByText('enabled: false') getByText('condition: 0') getByText( JSON.stringify({ [`${enabledAtom}`]: [`${enabledAtom}`, `${anAtom}`], [`${anAtom}`]: [], [`${secondCountAtom}`]: [`${anAtom}`, `${secondCountAtom}`], }) ) })'change')) await waitFor(() => { getByText('enabled: true') getByText('condition: 0') getByText( JSON.stringify({ [`${enabledAtom}`]: [`${enabledAtom}`, `${anAtom}`], [`${anAtom}`]: [], [`${countAtom}`]: [`${anAtom}`, `${countAtom}`], }) ) })})