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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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import { useDebugValue, useEffect, useState } from 'react'import type { Atom } from './atom'import type { ScopeContainer } from './contexts'import { DEV_GET_ATOM_STATE, DEV_GET_MOUNTED, DEV_GET_MOUNTED_ATOMS, DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE,} from './store'import type { AtomState, Store } from './store'
const atomToPrintable = (atom: Atom<unknown>) => atom.debugLabel || atom.toString()
const stateToPrintable = ([store, atoms]: [Store, Atom<unknown>[]]) => Object.fromEntries( atoms.flatMap((atom) => { const mounted = store[DEV_GET_MOUNTED]?.(atom) if (!mounted) { return [] } const dependents = mounted.t const atomState = store[DEV_GET_ATOM_STATE]?.(atom) || ({} as AtomState) return [ [ atomToPrintable(atom), { ...('e' in atomState && { error: atomState.e }), ...('p' in atomState && { promise: atomState.p }), ...('v' in atomState && { value: atomState.v }), dependents: Array.from(dependents).map(atomToPrintable), }, ], ] }) )
// We keep a reference to the atoms in Provider's registeredAtoms in dev mode,// so atoms aren't garbage collected by the WeakMap of mounted atomsexport const useDebugState = (scopeContainer: ScopeContainer) => { const { s: store } = scopeContainer const [atoms, setAtoms] = useState<Atom<unknown>[]>([]) useEffect(() => { const callback = () => { setAtoms(Array.from(store[DEV_GET_MOUNTED_ATOMS]?.() || [])) } const unsubscribe = store[DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE]?.(callback) callback() return unsubscribe }, [store]) useDebugValue([store, atoms], stateToPrintable)}