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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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import { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'import { SECRET_INTERNAL_getScopeContext as getScopeContext } from 'jotai'import type { Atom, Scope } from '../core/atom'import { DEV_GET_ATOM_STATE, DEV_GET_MOUNTED, DEV_GET_MOUNTED_ATOMS, DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE, RESTORE_ATOMS,} from '../core/store'import { Message } from './types'
type AnyAtomValue = unknowntype AnyAtom = Atom<AnyAtomValue>type AtomsValues = Map<AnyAtom, AnyAtomValue> // immutabletype AtomsDependents = Map<AnyAtom, Set<AnyAtom>> // immutabletype AtomsSnapshot = Readonly<{ values: AtomsValues dependents: AtomsDependents}>
const isEqualAtomsValues = (left: AtomsValues, right: AtomsValues) => left.size === right.size && Array.from(left).every(([left, v]) =>, v))
const isEqualAtomsDependents = ( left: AtomsDependents, right: AtomsDependents) => left.size === right.size && Array.from(left).every(([a, dLeft]) => { const dRight = right.get(a) return ( dRight && dLeft.size === dRight.size && Array.from(dLeft).every((d) => dRight.has(d)) ) })
const atomToPrintable = (atom: AnyAtom) => atom.debugLabel ? `${atom}:${atom.debugLabel}` : `${atom}`
const getDevtoolsState = (atomsSnapshot: AtomsSnapshot) => { const values: Record<string, AnyAtomValue> = {} atomsSnapshot.values.forEach((v, atom) => { values[atomToPrintable(atom)] = v }) const dependents: Record<string, string[]> = {} atomsSnapshot.dependents.forEach((d, atom) => { dependents[atomToPrintable(atom)] = Array.from(d).map(atomToPrintable) }) return { values, dependents, }}
interface DevtoolsOptions { scope?: Scope enabled?: boolean}
export function useAtomsDevtools(name: string, options?: DevtoolsOptions): void
/* * @deprecated Please use object options (DevtoolsOptions) */export function useAtomsDevtools(name: string, scope?: Scope): void
export function useAtomsDevtools( name: string, options?: DevtoolsOptions | Scope) { if (typeof options !== 'undefined' && typeof options !== 'object') { console.warn('DEPRECATED [useAtomsDevtools] use DevtoolsOptions') options = { scope: options } } const { enabled, scope } = options || {} const ScopeContext = getScopeContext(scope) const { s: store, w: versionedWrite } = useContext(ScopeContext)
let extension: typeof window['__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__'] | false
try { extension = (enabled ?? __DEV__) && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ } catch { // ignored }
if (!extension) { if (__DEV__ && enabled) { console.warn('Please install/enable Redux devtools extension') } }
if (extension && !store[DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE]) { throw new Error('useAtomsDevtools can only be used in dev mode.') }
const [atomsSnapshot, setAtomsSnapshot] = useState<AtomsSnapshot>(() => ({ values: new Map(), dependents: new Map(), }))
useEffect(() => { if (!extension) { return } const callback = () => { const values: AtomsValues = new Map() const dependents: AtomsDependents = new Map() for (const atom of store[DEV_GET_MOUNTED_ATOMS]?.() || []) { const atomState = store[DEV_GET_ATOM_STATE]?.(atom) if (atomState) { if (atomState.r === atomState.i) { // ignore if there are any invalidated atoms return } if ('v' in atomState) { values.set(atom, atomState.v) } } const mounted = store[DEV_GET_MOUNTED]?.(atom) if (mounted) { dependents.set(atom, mounted.t) } } setAtomsSnapshot((prev) => { if ( isEqualAtomsValues(prev.values, values) && isEqualAtomsDependents(prev.dependents, dependents) ) { // bail out return prev } return { values, dependents } }) } const unsubscribe = store[DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE]?.(callback) callback() return unsubscribe }, [extension, store])
const goToSnapshot = useCallback( (snapshot: AtomsSnapshot) => { const { values } = snapshot if (versionedWrite) { versionedWrite((version) => { store[RESTORE_ATOMS](values, version) }) } else { store[RESTORE_ATOMS](values) } }, [store, versionedWrite] )
const isTimeTraveling = useRef(false) const isRecording = useRef(true) const devtools = useRef< ReturnType< NonNullable<typeof window['__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__']>['connect'] > & { shouldInit?: boolean } >()
const snapshots = useRef<AtomsSnapshot[]>([])
useEffect(() => { if (!extension) { return } const getSnapshotAt = (index = snapshots.current.length - 1) => { // index 0 is @@INIT, so we need to return the next action (0) const snapshot = snapshots.current[index >= 0 ? index : 0] if (!snapshot) { throw new Error('snaphost index out of bounds') } return snapshot } const connection = extension.connect({ name })
const devtoolsUnsubscribe = ( connection as unknown as { // FIXME subscribe: ( listener: (message: Message) => void ) => (() => void) | undefined } ).subscribe((message) => { switch (message.type) { case 'DISPATCH': switch (message.payload?.type) { case 'RESET': // TODO break
case 'COMMIT': connection.init(getDevtoolsState(getSnapshotAt())) snapshots.current = [] break
case 'JUMP_TO_ACTION': case 'JUMP_TO_STATE': isTimeTraveling.current = true goToSnapshot(getSnapshotAt(message.payload.actionId - 1)) break
case 'PAUSE_RECORDING': isRecording.current = !isRecording.current break } } })
devtools.current = connection devtools.current.shouldInit = true return devtoolsUnsubscribe }, [extension, goToSnapshot, name])
useEffect(() => { if (!devtools.current) { return } if (devtools.current.shouldInit) { devtools.current.init(undefined) devtools.current.shouldInit = false return } if (isTimeTraveling.current) { isTimeTraveling.current = false } else if (isRecording.current) { snapshots.current.push(atomsSnapshot) devtools.current.send( { type: `${snapshots.current.length}`, updatedAt: new Date().toLocaleString(), } as any, getDevtoolsState(atomsSnapshot) ) } }, [atomsSnapshot])}