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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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import { atom } from 'jotai'import type { Atom, Getter, WritableAtom } from 'jotai'
declare global { interface SymbolConstructor { readonly observable: symbol }}
type Subscription = { unsubscribe: () => void}
type Observer<T> = { next: (value: T) => void error: (error: unknown) => void complete: () => void}
type ObservableLike<T> = { subscribe(observer: Observer<T>): Subscription subscribe( next: (value: T) => void, error?: (error: unknown) => void, complete?: () => void ): Subscription [Symbol.observable]?: () => ObservableLike<T> | undefined}
type SubjectLike<T> = ObservableLike<T> & Observer<T>
type InitialValueFunction<T> = () => T | undefined
type AtomWithObservableOptions<TData> = { initialValue?: TData | InitialValueFunction<TData>}
export function atomWithObservable<TData>( createObservable: (get: Getter) => SubjectLike<TData>, options?: AtomWithObservableOptions<TData>): WritableAtom<TData, TData>
export function atomWithObservable<TData>( createObservable: (get: Getter) => ObservableLike<TData>, options?: AtomWithObservableOptions<TData>): Atom<TData>
export function atomWithObservable<TData>( createObservable: (get: Getter) => ObservableLike<TData> | SubjectLike<TData>, options?: AtomWithObservableOptions<TData>) { const observableResultAtom = atom((get) => { let observable = createObservable(get) const itself = observable[Symbol.observable]?.() if (itself) { observable = itself }
const dataAtom = atom( options?.initialValue ? getInitialValue(options) : firstValueFrom(observable) ) let setData: (data: TData | Promise<TData>) => void = () => { throw new Error('setting data without mount') } const dataListener = (data: TData) => { setData(data) } const errorListener = (error: unknown) => { setData(Promise.reject<TData>(error)) } let subscription: Subscription | null = null
dataAtom.onMount = (update) => { setData = update if (!subscription) { subscription = observable.subscribe(dataListener, errorListener) } return () => { subscription?.unsubscribe() subscription = null } } return { dataAtom, observable } }) const observableAtom = atom( (get) => { const { dataAtom } = get(observableResultAtom)
return get(dataAtom) }, (get, _set, data: TData) => { const { observable } = get(observableResultAtom) if ('next' in observable) { } else { throw new Error('observable is not subject') } } ) return observableAtom}
function getInitialValue<TData>(options: AtomWithObservableOptions<TData>) { const initialValue = options.initialValue return initialValue instanceof Function ? initialValue() : initialValue}
// FIXME There are two fatal issues in the current implememtation.// See also: - There's a risk of memory leaks.// Unless the source emit a new value,// the subscription will never be destroyed.// atom `read` function can be called multiple times without mounting.// This issue has existed even before #1058.// - The second value before mounting the atom is dropped.// There's no guarantee that `onMount` is invoked in a short period.// So, by the time we invoke `subscribe`, the value can be changed.// Before #1058, an error was thrown, but currently it's silently dropped.function firstValueFrom<T>(source: ObservableLike<T>): Promise<T> { return new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => { let resolved = false const subscription = source.subscribe({ next: (value) => { resolve(value) resolved = true if (subscription) { subscription.unsubscribe() } }, error: reject, complete: () => { reject() }, })
if (resolved) { // If subscription was resolved synchronously subscription.unsubscribe() } })}