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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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import { atom } from 'jotai'import type { SetStateAction, WritableAtom } from 'jotai'import { RESET } from './constants'
type Unsubscribe = () => void
type AsyncStorage<Value> = { getItem: (key: string) => Promise<Value> setItem: (key: string, newValue: Value) => Promise<void> removeItem: (key: string) => Promise<void> delayInit?: boolean subscribe?: (key: string, callback: (value: Value) => void) => Unsubscribe}
type SyncStorage<Value> = { getItem: (key: string) => Value setItem: (key: string, newValue: Value) => void removeItem: (key: string) => void delayInit?: boolean subscribe?: (key: string, callback: (value: Value) => void) => Unsubscribe}
type AsyncStringStorage = { getItem: (key: string) => Promise<string | null> setItem: (key: string, newValue: string) => Promise<void> removeItem: (key: string) => Promise<void>}
type SyncStringStorage = { getItem: (key: string) => string | null setItem: (key: string, newValue: string) => void removeItem: (key: string) => void}
export function createJSONStorage<Value>( getStringStorage: () => AsyncStringStorage): AsyncStorage<Value>
export function createJSONStorage<Value>( getStringStorage: () => SyncStringStorage): SyncStorage<Value>
export function createJSONStorage<Value>( getStringStorage: () => AsyncStringStorage | SyncStringStorage): AsyncStorage<Value> | SyncStorage<Value> { let lastStr: string | undefined let lastValue: any return { getItem: (key) => { const parse = (str: string | null) => { str = str || '' if (lastStr !== str) { lastValue = JSON.parse(str) lastStr = str } return lastValue } const str = getStringStorage().getItem(key) if (str instanceof Promise) { return str.then(parse) } return parse(str) }, setItem: (key, newValue) => getStringStorage().setItem(key, JSON.stringify(newValue)), removeItem: (key) => getStringStorage().removeItem(key), }}
const defaultStorage = createJSONStorage(() => localStorage)defaultStorage.subscribe = (key, callback) => { const storageEventCallback = (e: StorageEvent) => { if (e.key === key && e.newValue) { callback(JSON.parse(e.newValue)) } } window.addEventListener('storage', storageEventCallback) return () => { window.removeEventListener('storage', storageEventCallback) }}
export function atomWithStorage<Value>( key: string, initialValue: Value, storage: AsyncStorage<Value> & { delayInit: true }): WritableAtom<Value, SetStateAction<Value> | typeof RESET, Promise<void>>
export function atomWithStorage<Value>( key: string, initialValue: Value, storage: AsyncStorage<Value>): WritableAtom< Promise<Value>, SetStateAction<Value> | typeof RESET, Promise<void>>
export function atomWithStorage<Value>( key: string, initialValue: Value, storage: SyncStorage<Value>): WritableAtom<Value, SetStateAction<Value> | typeof RESET>
export function atomWithStorage<Value>( key: string, initialValue: Value): WritableAtom<Value, SetStateAction<Value> | typeof RESET>
export function atomWithStorage<Value>( key: string, initialValue: Value, storage: | SyncStorage<Value> | AsyncStorage<Value> = defaultStorage as SyncStorage<Value>) { const getInitialValue = () => { try { const value = storage.getItem(key) if (value instanceof Promise) { return value.catch(() => initialValue) } return value } catch { return initialValue } }
const baseAtom = atom(storage.delayInit ? initialValue : getInitialValue())
baseAtom.onMount = (setAtom) => { let unsub: Unsubscribe | undefined if (storage.subscribe) { unsub = storage.subscribe(key, setAtom) // in case it's updated before subscribing setAtom(getInitialValue()) } if (storage.delayInit) { const value = getInitialValue() if (value instanceof Promise) { value.then(setAtom) } else { setAtom(value) } } return unsub }
const anAtom = atom( (get) => get(baseAtom), (get, set, update: SetStateAction<Value> | typeof RESET) => { if (update === RESET) { set(baseAtom, initialValue) return storage.removeItem(key) } const newValue = typeof update === 'function' ? (update as (prev: Value) => Value)(get(baseAtom)) : update set(baseAtom, newValue) return storage.setItem(key, newValue) } )
return anAtom}
// atomWithHash is implemented with atomWithStorage
export function atomWithHash<Value>( key: string, initialValue: Value, options?: { serialize?: (val: Value) => string deserialize?: (str: string) => Value delayInit?: boolean replaceState?: boolean subscribe?: (callback: () => void) => () => void }): WritableAtom<Value, SetStateAction<Value> | typeof RESET> { const serialize = options?.serialize || JSON.stringify const deserialize = options?.deserialize || JSON.parse const subscribe = options?.subscribe || ((callback) => { window.addEventListener('hashchange', callback) return () => { window.removeEventListener('hashchange', callback) } }) const hashStorage: SyncStorage<Value> = { getItem: (key) => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.slice(1)) const storedValue = searchParams.get(key) if (storedValue === null) { throw new Error('no value stored') } return deserialize(storedValue) }, setItem: (key, newValue) => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.slice(1)) searchParams.set(key, serialize(newValue)) if (options?.replaceState) { history.replaceState(null, '', '#' + searchParams.toString()) } else { location.hash = searchParams.toString() } }, removeItem: (key) => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.slice(1)) searchParams.delete(key) if (options?.replaceState) { history.replaceState(null, '', '#' + searchParams.toString()) } else { location.hash = searchParams.toString() } }, ...(options?.delayInit && { delayInit: true }), subscribe: (key, setValue) => { const callback = () => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.slice(1)) const str = searchParams.get(key) if (str !== null) { setValue(deserialize(str)) } else { setValue(initialValue) } } return subscribe(callback) }, }
return atomWithStorage(key, initialValue, hashStorage)}