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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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import { atom } from 'jotai'import type { Atom, Getter, PrimitiveAtom, SetStateAction, Setter, WritableAtom,} from 'jotai'import { createMemoizeAtom } from './weakCache'
const memoizeAtom = createMemoizeAtom()
const isWritable = <Value, Update, Result extends void | Promise<void>>( atom: Atom<Value> | WritableAtom<Value, Update, Result>): atom is WritableAtom<Value, Update, Result> => !!(atom as WritableAtom<Value, Update, Result>).write
const isFunction = <T>(x: T): x is T & ((...args: any[]) => any) => typeof x === 'function'
type SplitAtomAction<Item> = | { type: 'remove'; atom: PrimitiveAtom<Item> } | { type: 'insert' value: Item before?: PrimitiveAtom<Item> } | { type: 'move' atom: PrimitiveAtom<Item> before?: PrimitiveAtom<Item> }
type DeprecatedAtomToRemove<Item> = PrimitiveAtom<Item>
export function splitAtom<Item, Key>( arrAtom: WritableAtom<Item[], Item[]>, keyExtractor?: (item: Item) => Key): WritableAtom< PrimitiveAtom<Item>[], SplitAtomAction<Item> | DeprecatedAtomToRemove<Item>>
export function splitAtom<Item, Key>( arrAtom: Atom<Item[]>, keyExtractor?: (item: Item) => Key): Atom<Atom<Item>[]>
export function splitAtom<Item, Key>( arrAtom: WritableAtom<Item[], Item[]> | Atom<Item[]>, keyExtractor?: (item: Item) => Key) { return memoizeAtom( () => { type ItemAtom = PrimitiveAtom<Item> | Atom<Item> type Mapping = { atomList: ItemAtom[] keyList: Key[] } const mappingCache = new WeakMap<Item[], Mapping>() const getMapping = (arr: Item[], prev?: Item[]) => { let mapping = mappingCache.get(arr) if (mapping) { return mapping } const prevMapping = prev && mappingCache.get(prev) const atomList: Atom<Item>[] = [] const keyList: Key[] = [] arr.forEach((item, index) => { const key = keyExtractor ? keyExtractor(item) : (index as unknown as Key) keyList[index] = key const cachedAtom = prevMapping && prevMapping.atomList[prevMapping.keyList.indexOf(key)] if (cachedAtom) { atomList[index] = cachedAtom return } const read = (get: Getter) => { const ref = get(refAtom) const currArr = get(arrAtom) const mapping = getMapping(currArr, ref.prev) const index = mapping.keyList.indexOf(key) if (index < 0 || index >= currArr.length) { // returning a stale value to avoid errors for use cases such as react-spring const prevItem = arr[getMapping(arr).keyList.indexOf(key)] if (prevItem) { return prevItem } throw new Error('splitAtom: index out of bounds for read') } return currArr[index] as Item } const write = ( get: Getter, set: Setter, update: SetStateAction<Item> ) => { const ref = get(refAtom) const arr = get(arrAtom) const mapping = getMapping(arr, ref.prev) const index = mapping.keyList.indexOf(key) if (index < 0 || index >= arr.length) { throw new Error('splitAtom: index out of bounds for write') } const nextItem = isFunction(update) ? update(arr[index] as Item) : update set(arrAtom as WritableAtom<Item[], Item[]>, [ ...arr.slice(0, index), nextItem, ...arr.slice(index + 1), ]) } atomList[index] = isWritable(arrAtom) ? atom(read, write) : atom(read) }) if ( prevMapping && prevMapping.keyList.length === keyList.length && prevMapping.keyList.every((x, i) => x === keyList[i]) ) { // not changed mapping = prevMapping } else { mapping = { atomList, keyList } } mappingCache.set(arr, mapping) return mapping } // TODO we should revisit this for a better solution than refAtom const refAtom = atom(() => ({} as { prev?: Item[] })) const read = (get: Getter) => { const ref = get(refAtom) const arr = get(arrAtom) const mapping = getMapping(arr, ref.prev) ref.prev = arr return mapping.atomList } const write = ( get: Getter, set: Setter, action: SplitAtomAction<Item> ) => { if ('read' in action) { console.warn('atomToRemove is deprecated. use action with type') action = { type: 'remove', atom: action } } switch (action.type) { case 'remove': { const index = get(splittedAtom).indexOf(action.atom) if (index >= 0) { const arr = get(arrAtom) set(arrAtom as WritableAtom<Item[], Item[]>, [ ...arr.slice(0, index), ...arr.slice(index + 1), ]) } break } case 'insert': { const index = action.before ? get(splittedAtom).indexOf(action.before) : get(splittedAtom).length if (index >= 0) { const arr = get(arrAtom) set(arrAtom as WritableAtom<Item[], Item[]>, [ ...arr.slice(0, index), action.value, ...arr.slice(index), ]) } break } case 'move': { const index1 = get(splittedAtom).indexOf(action.atom) const index2 = action.before ? get(splittedAtom).indexOf(action.before) : get(splittedAtom).length if (index1 >= 0 && index2 >= 0) { const arr = get(arrAtom) if (index1 < index2) { set(arrAtom as WritableAtom<Item[], Item[]>, [ ...arr.slice(0, index1), ...arr.slice(index1 + 1, index2), arr[index1] as Item, ...arr.slice(index2), ]) } else { set(arrAtom as WritableAtom<Item[], Item[]>, [ ...arr.slice(0, index2), arr[index1] as Item, ...arr.slice(index2, index1), ...arr.slice(index1 + 1), ]) } } break } } } const splittedAtom = isWritable(arrAtom) ? atom(read, write) : atom(read) return splittedAtom }, keyExtractor ? [arrAtom, keyExtractor] : [arrAtom] )}