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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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import babel, { PluginObj } from '@babel/core'import _templateBuilder from '@babel/template'import { isAtom } from './utils'
const templateBuilder = (_templateBuilder as any).default || _templateBuilder
export default function reactRefreshPlugin({ types: t,}: typeof babel): PluginObj { return { pre({ opts }) { if (!opts.filename) { throw new Error('Filename must be available') } }, visitor: { Program: { exit(path) { const jotaiAtomCache = templateBuilder(` globalThis.jotaiAtomCache = globalThis.jotaiAtomCache || { cache: new Map(), get(name, inst) { if (this.cache.has(name)) { return this.cache.get(name) } this.cache.set(name, inst) return inst }, }`)() path.unshiftContainer('body', jotaiAtomCache) }, }, ExportDefaultDeclaration(nodePath, state) { const { node } = nodePath if ( t.isCallExpression(node.declaration) && isAtom(t, node.declaration.callee) ) { const filename = state.filename || 'unknown' const atomKey = `${filename}/defaultExport`
const buildExport = templateBuilder( `export default globalThis.jotaiAtomCache.get(%%atomKey%%, %%atom%%)` ) const ast = buildExport({ atomKey: t.stringLiteral(atomKey), atom: node.declaration, }) nodePath.replaceWith(ast as babel.Node) } }, VariableDeclarator(nodePath, state) { if ( t.isIdentifier( && t.isCallExpression(nodePath.node.init) && isAtom(t, nodePath.node.init.callee) && // Make sure atom declaration is in module scope (nodePath.parentPath.parentPath?.isProgram() || nodePath.parentPath.parentPath?.isExportNamedDeclaration()) ) { const filename = state.filename || 'unknown' const atomKey = `${filename}/${}`
const buildAtomDeclaration = templateBuilder( `const %%atomIdentifier%% = globalThis.jotaiAtomCache.get(%%atomKey%%, %%atom%%)` ) const ast = buildAtomDeclaration({ atomIdentifier: t.identifier(, atomKey: t.stringLiteral(atomKey), atom: nodePath.node.init, }) nodePath.parentPath.replaceWith(ast as babel.Node) } }, }, }}