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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'import { atom, createStore } from 'jotai/vanilla'
it('should not fire on subscribe', async () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) const callback1 = vi.fn() const callback2 = vi.fn() store.sub(countAtom, callback1) store.sub(countAtom, callback2) expect(callback1).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(callback2).not.toHaveBeenCalled()})
it('should not fire subscription if primitive atom value is the same', async () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) const callback = vi.fn() store.sub(countAtom, callback) const calledTimes = callback.mock.calls.length store.set(countAtom, 0) expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calledTimes)})
it('should not fire subscription if derived atom value is the same', async () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) const derivedAtom = atom((get) => get(countAtom) * 0) const callback = vi.fn() store.sub(derivedAtom, callback) const calledTimes = callback.mock.calls.length store.set(countAtom, 1) expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calledTimes)})
describe('[DEV-ONLY] dev-only methods', () => { it('should return the values of all mounted atoms', () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) countAtom.debugLabel = 'countAtom' const derivedAtom = atom((get) => get(countAtom) * 0) const unsub = store.sub(derivedAtom, vi.fn()) store.set(countAtom, 1)
const result = store.dev_get_mounted_atoms?.() || [] expect(Array.from(result)).toStrictEqual([ { toString: expect.any(Function), read: expect.any(Function) }, { toString: expect.any(Function), init: 0, read: expect.any(Function), write: expect.any(Function), debugLabel: 'countAtom', }, ]) unsub() })
it('should get atom state of a given atom', () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) countAtom.debugLabel = 'countAtom' const unsub = store.sub(countAtom, vi.fn()) store.set(countAtom, 1) const result = store.dev_get_atom_state?.(countAtom) expect(result).toHaveProperty('v', 1) unsub() })
it('should get mounted atom from mounted map', () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) countAtom.debugLabel = 'countAtom' const cb = vi.fn() const unsub = store.sub(countAtom, cb) store.set(countAtom, 1) const result = store.dev_get_mounted?.(countAtom) expect(result).toStrictEqual({ l: new Set([cb]), t: new Set([countAtom]) }) unsub() })
it('should restore atoms and its dependencies correctly', () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) countAtom.debugLabel = 'countAtom' const derivedAtom = atom((get) => get(countAtom) * 2) store.set(countAtom, 1) store.dev_restore_atoms?.([[countAtom, 2]]) expect(store.get(countAtom)).toBe(2) expect(store.get?.(derivedAtom)).toBe(4) })
describe('dev_subscribe_store', () => { it('should call the callback when state changes', () => { const store = createStore() const callback = vi.fn() const unsub = store.dev_subscribe_store?.(callback) const countAtom = atom(0) const unsubAtom = store.sub(countAtom, vi.fn()) store.set(countAtom, 1) expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'state') expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'sub') expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'state') expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3) unsub?.() unsubAtom?.() })
it('should call unsub only when atom is unsubscribed', () => { const store = createStore() const callback = vi.fn() const unsub = store.dev_subscribe_store?.(callback) const countAtom = atom(0) const unsubAtom = store.sub(countAtom, vi.fn()) const unsubAtomSecond = store.sub(countAtom, vi.fn()) unsubAtom?.() expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'state') expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'sub') expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'state') expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(4, 'sub') expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(5, 'unsub') expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(5) unsub?.() unsubAtomSecond?.() }) })})
it('should unmount with store.get', async () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) const callback = vi.fn() const unsub = store.sub(countAtom, callback) store.get(countAtom) unsub() const result = Array.from(store.dev_get_mounted_atoms?.() ?? []) expect(result).toEqual([])})
it('should unmount dependencies with store.get', async () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) const derivedAtom = atom((get) => get(countAtom) * 2) const callback = vi.fn() const unsub = store.sub(derivedAtom, callback) store.get(derivedAtom) unsub() const result = Array.from(store.dev_get_mounted_atoms?.() ?? []) expect(result).toEqual([])})
it('should unmount tree dependencies with store.get', async () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(0) const derivedAtom = atom((get) => get(countAtom) * 2) const anotherDerivedAtom = atom((get) => get(countAtom) * 3) const callback = vi.fn() const unsubStore = store.dev_subscribe_store?.(() => { // Comment this line to make the test pass store.get(derivedAtom) }) const unsub = store.sub(anotherDerivedAtom, callback) unsub() unsubStore?.() const result = Array.from(store.dev_get_mounted_atoms?.() ?? []) expect(result).toEqual([])})
it('should update async atom with delay (#1813)', async () => { const countAtom = atom(0)
const resolve: (() => void)[] = [] const delayedAtom = atom(async (get) => { const count = get(countAtom) await new Promise<void>((r) => resolve.push(r)) return count })
const store = createStore() store.get(delayedAtom) store.set(countAtom, 1) resolve.splice(0).forEach((fn) => fn()) await new Promise<void>((r) => setTimeout(r)) // wait for a tick const promise = store.get(delayedAtom) resolve.splice(0).forEach((fn) => fn()) expect(await promise).toBe(1)})
it('should override a promise by setting', async () => { const store = createStore() const countAtom = atom(Promise.resolve(0)) const infinitePending = new Promise<never>(() => {}) store.set(countAtom, infinitePending) const promise = store.get(countAtom) store.set(countAtom, Promise.resolve(1)) expect(await promise).toBe(1)})
it('should update async atom with deps after await (#1905)', async () => { const countAtom = atom(0) const resolve: (() => void)[] = [] const delayedAtom = atom(async (get) => { await new Promise<void>((r) => resolve.push(r)) const count = get(countAtom) return count }) const derivedAtom = atom(async (get) => { const count = await get(delayedAtom) return count })
const store = createStore() let lastValue = store.get(derivedAtom) const unsub = store.sub(derivedAtom, () => { lastValue = store.get(derivedAtom) }) store.set(countAtom, 1) resolve.splice(0).forEach((fn) => fn()) expect(await lastValue).toBe(1) store.set(countAtom, 2) resolve.splice(0).forEach((fn) => fn()) expect(await lastValue).toBe(2) store.set(countAtom, 3) resolve.splice(0).forEach((fn) => fn()) expect(await lastValue).toBe(3) unsub()})