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---title: Relaydescription: This doc describes Relay integration.nav: 4.99keywords: relaypublished: false---
You can use Jotai with [Relay](
## Install
You have to install `jotai-relay` and `relay-runtime`.
```yarn add jotai-relay relay-runtime```
## Usage
See [Relay Docs]( tolearn about basics and how to use compiler in advance.
## atomWithQuery
`atomWithQuery` creates a new atom with [fetchQuery](
```jsximport React, { Suspense } from 'react'import { Provider, useAtom } from 'jotai'import { useHydrateAtoms } from 'jotai/utils'import { environmentAtom, atomWithQuery } from 'jotai-relay'import { Environment, Network, RecordSource, Store } from 'relay-runtime'import graphql from 'babel-plugin-relay/macro'
const myEnvironment = new Environment({ network: Network.create(async (params, variables) => { const response = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: params.text, variables, }), }) return response.json() }), store: new Store(new RecordSource()),})
const countriesAtom = atomWithQuery( graphql` query AppCountriesQuery { countries { name } } `, () => ({}))
const Main = () => { const [data] = useAtom(countriesAtom) return ( <ul> {{ name }) => ( <li key={name}>{name}</li> ))} </ul> )}
const HydrateAtoms = ({ children }) => { useHydrateAtoms([[environmentAtom, myEnvironment]]) return children}
const App = () => { return ( <Provider> <HydrateAtoms> <Suspense fallback="Loading..."> <Main /> </Suspense> </HydrateAtoms> </Provider> )}```
### Examples
<CodeSandbox id="cxc6p5" />## atomWithMutation
`atomWithMutation` creates a new atom with [commitMutation](
FIXME: add code example and codesandbox
## atomWithSubscription
`atomWithSubscription` creates a new atom with [requestSubscription](
FIXME: add code example and codesandbox