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---title: v2 API migrationdescription: New "Async" APInav: 7.0---
Jotai v1 is released at June 2022, and there has been various feedbacks.React also proposes first-class support for promises.Jotai v2 will have a new API.
Unfortunately, there are some breaking changes along with new features.
### What are new features
#### Vanilla library
Jotai comes with vanilla (non-React) functionsand React functions separately.They are provided from alternate entry points like `jotai/vanilla`.
#### Store API
Jotai exposes store interface so that you can directly manipulate atom values.
```jsimport { createStore } from 'jotai' // or from 'jotai/vanilla'
const store = createStore()store.set(fooAtom, 'foo')
console.log(store.get(fooAtom)) // prints "foo"
const unsub = store.sub(fooAtom, () => { console.log('fooAtom value in store is changed')})// call unsub() to unsubscribe.```
You can also create your own React Context to pass a store.
#### More flexible atom `write` function
The write function can accept multiple arguments,and return a value.
```jsatom( (get) => get(...), (get, set, arg1, arg2, ...) => { ... return someValue })```
### What are breaking
#### Async atoms are no longer special
Async atoms are just normal atoms with promise values.Atoms getter functions don't resolve promises.On the other hand, `useAtom` hook continues to resolve promises.
Some utils like `splitAtom` expects sync atoms,and won't work with async atoms.
#### Writable atom type is changed (TypeScript only)
```ts// OldWritableAtom<Value, Arg, Result extends void | Promise<void>>
// NewWritableAtom<Value, Args extends unknown[], Result>```
In general, we should avoid using `WritableAtom` type directly.
#### Some functions are dropped
- Provider's `initialValues` prop is removed, because `store` is more flexible.- Provider's scope props is removed, because you can create own context.- `abortableAtom` util is removed, because the feature is included by default- `waitForAll` util is removed, because `Promise.all` just works### Migration guides
#### Async atoms
`get` function for read function of async atomsdoesn't resolve promises, so you have to put `await` or `.then()`.
In short, the change is something like the following.(If you are TypeScript users, types will tell where to changes.)
##### Previous API
```jsconst asyncAtom = atom(async () => 'hello')const derivedAtom = atom((get) => get(asyncAtom).toUppercase())```
##### New API
```jsconst asyncAtom = atom(async () => 'hello')const derivedAtom = atom(async (get) => (await get(asyncAtom)).toUppercase())// orconst derivedAtom = atom((get) => get(asyncAtom).then((x) => x.toUppercase()))```
#### Provider's `initialValues` prop
##### Previous API
```jsxconst countAtom = atom(0)
// in component <Provider initialValues={[[countAtom, 1]]}> ...```
##### New API
```jsxconst countAtom = atom(0)
const HydrateAtoms = ({ initialValues, children }) => { useHydrateAtoms(initialValues) return children}
// in component <Provider> <HydrateAtoms initialValues={[[countAtom, 1]]}> ...```
#### Provider's `scope` prop
##### Previous API
```jsxconst myScope = Symbol()
// Parent component <Provider scope={myScope}> ... </Provider> // Child component useAtom(..., myScope)```
##### New API
```jsxconst MyContext = createContext()const store = createStore()
// Parent component <MyContext.Provider value={store}> ... </MyContext.Provider> // Child Component const store = useContext(MyContext) useAtom(..., { store })```
#### `abortableAtom` util
You no longer need the previous `abortableAtom` util,because it's now supported with the normal `atom`.
##### Previous API
```jsconst asyncAtom = abortableAtom(async (get, { signal }) => { ...}```
##### New API
```jsconst asyncAtom = atom(async (get, { signal }) => { ...}```
#### `waitForAll` util
You no longer need the previous `waitForAll` util,because we can use native Promise APIs.
##### Previous API
```jsconst allAtom = waitForAll([fooAtom, barAtom])```
##### New API
```jsconst allAtom = atom((get) => Promise.all([get(fooAtom), get(barAtom)]))```
Note that creating an atom in render function can cause [infinite loop](../api/atom.mdx#note-about-creating-an-atom-in-render-function)
#### `splitAtom` util (or some other utils) with async atoms
`splitAtom` util only accepts sync atoms.You need to unwrap async atoms before passing.
This applies to some other utils like `atomsWithQuery` from `jotai-tanstack-query`.
##### Previous API
```jsconst splittedAtom = splitAtom(asyncArrayAtom)```
##### New API
```jsconst splittedAtom = splitAtom(unwrap(asyncArrayAtom, () => []))```
As of writing, `unwrap` is unstable and not documented.You can instead use `loadable`, which gives more controll on loading status.If you need to use `<Suspense>`, atoms-in-atom pattern would help.
For more information, refer the following discussions:
- Some other changes
#### Utils
- `atomWithStorage` util's `delayInit` is removed as being default. Also it will always render `initialValue` on first render, and the stored value, if any, on subsequent renders. The new behavior differs from v1. See for more information.- `useHydrateAtoms` can only accept writable atoms.#### Import statements
The v2 API is also provided from alternate entry points for library authors and non-React users.
- `jotai/vanilla`- `jotai/vanilla/utils`- `jotai/react`- `jotai/react/utils````js// Available since v1.11.0import { atom } from 'jotai/vanilla'import { useAtom } from 'jotai/react'
// Available since v2.0.0import { atom } from 'jotai' // is same as 'jotai/vanilla'import { useAtom } from 'jotai' // is same as 'jotai/react'```
Note: If you are not using ESM, you want to prefer using `jotai/vanilla` etc. instead of `jotai`, for better tree shaking.