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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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#!/usr/bin/env npx tsx
import { add, complete, cycle, save, suite } from 'benny'import { atom } from '../src/vanilla/atom.ts'import type { PrimitiveAtom } from '../src/vanilla/atom.ts'import { createStore } from '../src/vanilla/store.ts'
const createStateWithAtoms = (n: number) => { let targetAtom: PrimitiveAtom<number> | undefined const store = createStore() for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const a = atom(i) if (!targetAtom) { targetAtom = a } store.set(a, i) } if (!targetAtom) { throw new Error() } return [store, targetAtom] as const}
const main = async () => { await suite( 'simple-read', ...[2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map((n) => add(`atoms=${10 ** n}`, () => { const [store, targetAtom] = createStateWithAtoms(10 ** n) return () => store.get(targetAtom) }), ), cycle(), complete(), save({ folder: __dirname, file: 'simple-read', format: 'json', }), save({ folder: __dirname, file: 'simple-read', format: 'chart.html', }), )}