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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
import { Code } from '../components/code.js';import { CoreDemo } from '../components/core-demo.js';import { ExtensionsDemo } from '../components/extensions-demo.js';import { Headline } from '../components/headline.js';import { InlineCode } from '../components/inline-code.js';import { Intro } from '../components/intro.js';import { LogoCloud } from '../components/logo-cloud.js';import { Meta } from '../components/meta.js';import { Tabs } from '../components/tabs.js';import { UtilitiesDemo } from '../components/utilities-demo.js';
export default function HomePage() { return ( <> <Intro /> <div className="mt-12 space-y-12 lg:mt-24 lg:space-y-24"> <div className="space-y-4"> <Headline>Introduction</Headline> <p>Jotai takes an atomic approach to global React state management.</p> <p> Build state by combining atoms and renders are automatically optimized based on atom dependency. This solves the extra re-render issue of React context, eliminates the need for memoization, and provides a similar developer experience to signals while maintaining a declarative programming model. </p> <p> It scales from a simple <InlineCode>useState</InlineCode> replacement to an enterprise TypeScript application with complex requirements. Plus there are plenty of utilities and extensions to help you along the way! </p> <p>Jotai is trusted in production at innovative companies like these.</p> <LogoCloud /> </div> <div className="space-y-4"> <Headline>Getting started</Headline> <p className="!mb-8"> This walks you through the process of creating a simple Jotai application. It starts with installation, then explores the basics of the core API, and ends with server-side rendering in a React framework. </p> <Tabs tabs={gettingStartedTabs} /> </div> <div className="space-y-4"> <Headline>API overview</Headline> <Tabs tabs={apiTabs} /> </div> <div className="space-y-4"> <Headline>Learn more</Headline> <p>Check out the free Egghead course by Daishi, the creator of Jotai.</p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="mt-4 block" > <img src="" className="block rounded-md shadow-lg dark:!shadow-none sm:rounded-lg" alt="Jotai course" title="Jotai course" /> </a> </div> </div> </> );}
const apiTabs = { Core: ( <section> <h2>Core</h2> <p> Jotai has a very minimal API and is TypeScript oriented. It is as simple to use as React’s integrated <InlineCode>useState</InlineCode> hook, but all state is globally accessible, derived state is easy to implement, and unnecessary re-renders are automatically eliminated. </p> <CoreDemo /> </section> ), Utilities: ( <section> <h2>Utilities</h2> <p> The Jotai package also includes a <InlineCode>jotai/utils</InlineCode> bundle. These extra functions add support for persisting an atom in localStorage, hydrating an atom during server-side rendering, creating atoms with Redux-like reducers and action types, and much more. </p> <UtilitiesDemo /> </section> ), Extensions: ( <section> <h2>Extensions</h2> <p> There are also separate packages for each official extension: tRPC, Immer, Query, XState, URQL, Optics, Relay, location, molecules, cache, and more. </p> <p> Some extensions provide new atom types with alternate write functions such as{' '} <InlineCode>atomWithImmer</InlineCode> (Immer) or <InlineCode>atomWithMachine</InlineCode>{' '} (XState). </p> <p> Others provide new atom types with two-way data binding such as{' '} <InlineCode>atomWithLocation</InlineCode> or <InlineCode>atomWithHash</InlineCode>. </p> <ExtensionsDemo /> </section> ),};
const gettingStartedTabs = { 'Installation': ( <section> <h2>Installation</h2> <p>First add Jotai as a dependency to your React project.</p> <Code language="bash">{`# npmnpm i jotai
# yarnyarn add jotai
# pnpmpnpm add jotai`}</Code> </section> ), 'Create atoms': ( <section> <h2>Create atoms</h2> <p>First create primitive and derived atoms to build state.</p> <h3>Primitive atoms</h3> <p> A primitive atom can be any type: booleans, numbers, strings, objects, arrays, sets, maps, and so on. </p> <Code>{`import { atom } from 'jotai'
const countAtom = atom(0)
const countryAtom = atom('Japan')
const citiesAtom = atom(['Tokyo', 'Kyoto', 'Osaka'])
const animeAtom = atom([ { title: 'Ghost in the Shell', year: 1995, watched: true }, { title: 'Serial Experiments Lain', year: 1998, watched: false }])`}</Code> <h3>Derived atoms</h3> <p>A derived atom can read from other atoms before returning its own value.</p> <Code>{`const progressAtom = atom((get) => { const anime = get(animeAtom) return anime.filter((item) => item.watched).length / anime.length})`}</Code> </section> ), 'Use atoms': ( <section> <h2>Use atoms</h2> <p>Then use atoms within React components to read or write state.</p> <h3>Read and write from same component</h3> <p> When atoms are both read and written within the same component, use the combined{' '} <InlineCode>useAtom</InlineCode> hook for simplicity. </p> <Code>{`import { useAtom } from 'jotai'
const AnimeApp = () => { const [anime, setAnime] = useAtom(animeAtom)
return ( <> <ul> { => ( <li key={item.title}>{item.title}</li> ))} </ul> <button onClick={() => { setAnime((anime) => [ ...anime, { title: 'Cowboy Bebop', year: 1998, watched: false } ]) }}> Add Cowboy Bebop </button> <> )}`}</Code> <h3>Read and write from separate components</h3> <p> When atom values are only read or written, use the separate{' '} <InlineCode>useAtomValue</InlineCode> and <InlineCode>useSetAtom</InlineCode> hooks to optimize re-renders. </p> <Code>{`import { useAtomValue, useSetAtom } from 'jotai'
const AnimeList = () => { const anime = useAtomValue(animeAtom)
return ( <ul> { => ( <li key={item.title}>{item.title}</li> ))} </ul> )}
const AddAnime = () => { const setAnime = useSetAtom(animeAtom)
return ( <button onClick={() => { setAnime((anime) => [ ...anime, { title: 'Cowboy Bebop', year: 1998, watched: false } ]) }}> Add Cowboy Bebop </button> )}
const ProgressTracker = () => { const progress = useAtomValue(progressAtom)
return ( <div>{Math.trunc(progress * 100)}% watched</div> )}
const AnimeApp = () => { return ( <> <AnimeList /> <AddAnime /> <ProgressTracker /> </> )}`}</Code> </section> ), 'SSR': ( <section> <h2>Server-side rendering</h2> <p> If server-side rendering with a framework such as Next.js or Gatsby, make sure to use at least one Provider component at the root. </p> <Code>{`import { Provider } from 'jotai'
// Placement is framework-specific (see below)<Provider> {...}</Provider>`}</Code> <h3>Next.js (app directory)</h3> <p> Create the provider in a separate client component. Then import the provider into the root{' '} <InlineCode>layout.js</InlineCode> server component. </p> <Code>{`// providers.js (app directory)'use client'
import { Provider } from 'jotai'
export default function Providers({ children }) { return ( <Provider> {children} </Provider> )}

// layout.js (app directory)import Providers from './providers'
export default function RootLayout({ children }) { return ( <html lang="en"> <body> <Providers> {children} </Providers> </body> </html> )}`}</Code> <h3>Next.js (pages directory)</h3> <p> Create the provider in <InlineCode>_app.js</InlineCode>. </p> <Code>{`// _app.js (pages directory)import { Provider } from 'jotai'
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }) { return ( <Provider> <Component {...pageProps} /> </Provider> )}`}</Code> <h3>Gatsby</h3> <p> Create the provider in a <InlineCode>gatsby-shared.js</InlineCode> file to share code between <InlineCode>gatsby-browser.js</InlineCode> and{' '} <InlineCode>gatsby-ssr.js</InlineCode>. Use the <InlineCode>wrapRootElement</InlineCode> API to place the provider. </p> <Code>{`// gatsby-shared.jsimport { Provider } from 'jotai'
export const wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => { return ( <Provider> {element} </Provider> )}
// gatsby-browser.jsexport { wrapRootElement } from './gatsby-shared'
// gatsby-ssr.jsexport { wrapRootElement } from './gatsby-shared'`}</Code> </section> ),};
export const Head = () => { return <Meta />;};