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json-rpc-ts codecov ci

A strictly typed json-rpc(2.0) implementation, zero dependency, minimal abstraction, with simple api


Example to use the client

const requestForResponse = (json: string) =>
    fetch('http://localhost:6800/jsonrpc', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: json,
    }).then((res) => res.text())

const client = new JSONRPCClient<{
    'aria2.addUri': (
        urls: string[],
        options?: object,
        position?: number,
    ) => string
    'aria2.remove': (gid: string) => string
    'system.listMethods': () => string[]

const resultGid: string = await client.request('aria2.addUri', [

Example to use the server

const server = new JSONRPCServer({
    upper: (str: string) => str.toUpperCase(),
    lower: (str: string) => str.toLowerCase(),
    plus: ([a, b]: [number, number]) => a + b,
    minus: ([a, b]: [number, number]) => a - b,

// or:
server.setMethod('trim', (str: string) => str.trim())
server.setMethod('trimStart', (str: string) => str.trimStart())
server.setMethod('trimEnd', (str: string) => str.trimEnd())

const httpServer = Deno.serve(
    async (request) => {
        // server.handleRequest() accept string and returns Promise<string>
        const jsonString = await server.handleRequest(await request.text())

        return new Response(jsonString, {
            headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },

build for JavaScript

To use this library without typescript, you have to build it to javascript.

git clone
cd json-rpc-ts
esbuild --bundle src/index.ts --outdir=dist --format=esm