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Utilities for working with streaming JSON in Worker Environments.
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { ResolvablePromise } from '';import { pipe } from '';
const id = <T = any>(_: T) => _;
type Awaitable<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;
export type TaskState = 'idle' | 'pending' | 'fulfilled' | 'rejected';
class Task<T> { #task; #promise; #state: TaskState = 'idle'
constructor(task: () => Awaitable<T>) { this.#task = task; this.#promise = new ResolvablePromise<T>(); }
execute() { if (this.#state === 'idle') { this.#state = 'pending' this.#promise.resolve(this.#task()) this.#promise.then( () => { this.#state = 'fulfilled' }, () => { this.#state = 'rejected' }, ); } } get state(): TaskState { return this.#state } get promise(): Promise<T> { return this.#promise }}
const lock = Symbol('key');
// TODO: Make own module?// TODO: Add abort signal?// FIXME: use executor instead of task functions?// Remove extra type??export class TaskPromise<T, TT = T> implements Promise<T> { #task: Task<TT>; #mapFn; #mappedPromise;
static from<T>(task: () => Awaitable<T>) { return new TaskPromise<T>(lock, new Task(task)) }
private constructor( key: symbol, task: Task<TT>, mapFn?: ((value: TT, i?: 0, p?: TaskPromise<T, TT>) => Awaitable<T>) | undefined | null, thisArg?: any, ) { if (key !== lock) throw Error('Illegal constructor'); this.#task = task; this.#mapFn = mapFn; this.#mappedPromise = this.#task.promise.then(mapFn && (x =>, x, 0, this))); }
get state() { return this.#task.state; }
/** * Starts the execution of the task associated with the lazy promise. * If you don't want to start the task at this moment, use `.map` instead. */ then<U = T, V = never>( onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => Awaitable<U>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => Awaitable<V>) | undefined | null ): Promise<U | V> { this.#task.execute(); return this.#mappedPromise.then(onfulfilled, onrejected) }
/** * Applies transformations to the resolved value without triggering execution. * Returns another lazy promise that triggers execution via `.then` */ map<U = T>( mapFn?: ((value: T, i?: 0, p?: TaskPromise<T, TT>) => Awaitable<U>) | undefined | null, thisArg?: any ): TaskPromise<U, TT> { // @ts-ignore: types of id function (x => x) not correctly inferred... return new TaskPromise(lock, this.#task, pipe(this.#mapFn??id, mapFn??id), thisArg); }
catch<V = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => Awaitable<V>) | null): Promise<T | V> { // FIXME: should this also trigger execution? return this.#mappedPromise.catch(onrejected) }
finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | null): Promise<T> { // FIXME: should this also trigger execution? return this.#mappedPromise.finally(onfinally) }
[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'LazyPromise'}