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Utilities for working with streaming JSON in Worker Environments.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { StreamResponse, StreamRequest } from "";import { asyncIterToStream } from '';import { JSONStringifyReadable, isAsyncIterable } from './json-stringify.ts';
export type JSONStreamBodyInit = ReadableStream<string> | AsyncIterable<string> | any; export type JSONStreamRequestInit = Omit<RequestInit, 'body'> & { body?: JSONStreamBodyInit }
const toBody = (x: any) => x instanceof ReadableStream ? x : isAsyncIterable(x) ? asyncIterToStream(x) : new JSONStringifyReadable(x)
export class JSONStreamRequest extends StreamRequest { static contentType = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'; static accept = 'application/json, text/plain, */*';
constructor( input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: JSONStreamRequestInit, // replacer?: Parameters<typeof JSON.stringify>[1], // space?: Parameters<typeof JSON.stringify>[2], ) { const { headers: _headers, body: _body, } = init || {};
const body = toBody(_body);
const headers = new Headers(_headers); if (!headers.has('Content-Type') && _body != null) headers.set('Content-Type', JSONStreamRequest.contentType);
if (!headers.has('Accept')) headers.set('Accept', JSONStreamRequest.accept);
super(input instanceof URL ? input.href : input, { headers, body, }); }}
export class JSONStreamResponse extends StreamResponse { static contentType = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8';
constructor( body?: JSONStreamBodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit, // replacer?: Parameters<typeof JSON.stringify>[1], // space?: Parameters<typeof JSON.stringify>[2], ) { const { headers: _headers, } = init || {};
const _body = toBody(body)
const headers = new Headers(_headers);
if (!headers.has('Content-Type') && body != null) headers.set('Content-Type', JSONStreamResponse.contentType);
super(_body, { headers, }); }}