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Utilities for working with streaming JSON in Worker Environments.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-unused-vars no-explicit-anyimport ''import { assert, assertExists, assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, assertStringIncludes, assertThrows, assertRejects, assertArrayIncludes,} from ''const { test } = Deno;
import { jsonStringifyGenerator } from '../index.ts'
test('exists', () =>{ assertExists(jsonStringifyGenerator)})
// const aConcat = async <T>(iter: AsyncIterable<T>) => {// const chunks: T[] = []// for await (const x of iter) chunks.push(x)// return chunks// }
const aJoin = async (iter: AsyncIterable<string>, separator = '') => { const chunks: string[] = [] for await (const x of iter) chunks.push(x) return chunks.join(separator)}
test('simple', async () => { const text = await aJoin(jsonStringifyGenerator({ a: 3, b: { nested: 4 }, c: [1, 2, 3], __x: undefined })) assertEquals(text, JSON.stringify({ a: 3, b: { nested: 4 }, c: [1, 2, 3] }))})
test('with promise', async () => { const text = await aJoin(jsonStringifyGenerator({ a: 3, b: Promise.resolve(4) })) assertEquals(text, JSON.stringify({ a: 3, b: 4 }))})
const timeout = (n?: number) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, n))async function* asyncGen<T>(xs: T[]) { for (const x of xs) { await timeout(); yield x }}
test('with generator', async () => { const text = await aJoin(jsonStringifyGenerator({ a: 3, b: Promise.resolve(4), c: asyncGen([1, 2, 3]) })) assertEquals(text, JSON.stringify({ a: 3, b: 4, c: [1, 2, 3] }))})
test('circular throws', () => { const a: any = { a: 3, foo: { b: 4 } } = a; assertRejects(() => aJoin(jsonStringifyGenerator(a)), TypeError)})
test('duplicates do not throw', async () => { const foo = { foo: 'bar' } const a = { a: { x: foo, y: foo }, b: foo } assertEquals(await aJoin(jsonStringifyGenerator(a)), JSON.stringify(a))})
test('promises that resolve to undefined are omitted', async () => { assertEquals(await aJoin(jsonStringifyGenerator({ a: Promise.resolve(undefined) })), JSON.stringify({ a: undefined }))})
test('undefined values in generators become null, same as arrays', async () => { assertEquals(await aJoin(jsonStringifyGenerator({ a: asyncGen([1, undefined, 3]) })), JSON.stringify({ a: [1, undefined, 3] }))})
test('undefined toJSON result', async () => { const a = { toJSON() { return undefined } } assertEquals(await aJoin(jsonStringifyGenerator({ a, b: 4 })), JSON.stringify({ a, b: 4 }))})