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Utilities for working with streaming JSON in Worker Environments.
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// Modified version of maxogden/binary-split// Copyright (c) 2016 Max Ogden// Licensed under the BSD-2-Clause license
// TODO: Move to separate module
import { concatUint8Arrays } from '';
const mkFirstMatch = (matcher: Uint8Array) => (buf: Uint8Array, offset: number) => { if (offset >= buf.length) return -1 let i for (i = offset; i < buf.length; i++) { if (buf[i] === matcher[0]) { if (matcher.length > 1) { let fullMatch = true let j, k; for (j = i, k = 0; j < i + matcher.length; j++, k++) { if (buf[j] !== matcher[k]) { fullMatch = false break } } if (fullMatch) return j - matcher.length } else { break } } }
const idx = i + matcher.length - 1 return idx}
const NL = new Uint8Array([10]) // new TextEncoder().encode('\n');
export class BinarySplitStream extends TransformStream<Uint8Array, Uint8Array> { constructor(splitOn: string | Uint8Array = NL) { const matcher = typeof splitOn === 'string' ? new TextEncoder().encode(splitOn) : splitOn; let offset = 0; let lastMatch = 0; let buffered: Uint8Array | undefined let firstMatch: ReturnType<typeof mkFirstMatch>; super({ start() { offset = 0; lastMatch = 0; buffered = undefined; firstMatch = mkFirstMatch(matcher) }, transform(chunk, controller) { let buf: Uint8Array if (buffered) { buf = concatUint8Arrays(buffered, chunk) offset = buffered.byteLength buffered = undefined } else { buf = chunk }
while (true) { const idx = firstMatch(buf, offset - matcher.byteLength + 1) if (idx !== -1 && idx < buf.byteLength) { controller.enqueue(buf.subarray(lastMatch, idx)) offset = idx + matcher.byteLength lastMatch = offset } else { buffered = buf.subarray(lastMatch) break } } }, flush(controller) { if (buffered) controller.enqueue(buffered) }, }) }}
export class SplitStream extends TransformStream<string, string> { constructor(splitOn: string | RegExp = /\r?\n/) { const matcher = typeof splitOn === 'string' ? new RegExp(splitOn) : splitOn; let offset = 0; let lastMatch = 0; let lastLen = 0; let buffered: string | undefined let firstMatch: (buf: string, offset: number) => [number, number]; super({ start() { offset = 0; lastMatch = 0; lastLen = 0; buffered = undefined; firstMatch = (buf, offset) => { const match = matcher.exec(buf.substring(offset)) return match ? [match.index, match[0].length] : [-1, 0] } }, transform(chunk, controller) { let buf: string if (buffered) { buf = buffered + chunk offset = buffered.length buffered = undefined } else { buf = chunk }
while (true) { const [idx, len] = firstMatch(buf, offset - lastLen + 1) if (idx !== -1 && idx < buf.length) { controller.enqueue(buf.substring(lastMatch, idx)) offset = idx + len lastMatch = offset lastLen = len } else { buffered = buf.substring(lastMatch) break } } }, flush(controller) { if (buffered) controller.enqueue(buffered) }, }) }}