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Fast, easy Javascript finite state machines with visualizations; enjoy a one liner FSM instead of pages. MIT; Typescripted; 100% test coverage. Implements the FSL language.
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/******* * * Predicate for validating an array for uniqueness. Not generally meant for * external use. * */function arr_uniq_p(el, i, source) { return source.indexOf(el) === i;}const array_box_if_string = n => typeof n === 'string' ? [n] : n;// this is explicitly about other peoples' data, so it has to be weakly typed/* eslint-disable flowtype/no-weak-types */const weighted_rand_select = (options, probability_property = 'probability') => { if (!Array.isArray(options)) { throw new TypeError('options must be a non-empty array of objects'); } if (!(typeof options[0] === 'object')) { throw new TypeError('options must be a non-empty array of objects'); } const frand = (cap) => Math.random() * cap, or_one = (item) => item === undefined ? 1 : item, prob_sum = options.reduce((acc, val) => acc + or_one(val[probability_property]), 0), rnd = frand(prob_sum); let cursor = 0, cursor_sum = 0; while ((cursor_sum += or_one(options[cursor++][probability_property])) <= rnd) { } // eslint-disable-line no-empty,fp/no-loops return options[cursor - 1];};/* eslint-enable flowtype/no-weak-types *//******* * * Returns, for a non-negative integer argument `n`, the series `[0 .. n]`. * * ```typescript * import { seq } from './jssm'; * * seq(5); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] * seq(0); // [] * ``` * */function seq(n) { if (!(Number.isInteger(n))) { throw new TypeError('seq/1 takes a non-negative integer n as an argument'); } if (n < 0) { throw new TypeError('seq/1 takes a non-negative integer n as an argument'); } return (new Array(n)) .fill(true) .map((_, i) => i);}/******* * * Returns the histograph of an array as a `Map`. Makes no attempt to cope * with deep equality; will fail for complex contents, as such. * * ```typescript * import { histograph } from './jssm'; * * histograph( [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1] ); // Map() * ``` * */const histograph = (ar) => // eslint-disable-line flowtype/no-weak-types ar.sort() .reduce((m, v) => // TODO FIXME eslint-disable-line flowtype/no-weak-types,no-sequences (m.set(v, (m.has(v) ? m.get(v) + 1 : 1)), m), new Map());const weighted_sample_select = (n, options, probability_property) => // TODO FIXME no any // eslint-disable-line flowtype/no-weak-types seq(n) .map((_i) => // TODO FIXME eslint-disable-line flowtype/no-weak-types weighted_rand_select(options, probability_property));const weighted_histo_key = (n, opts, prob_prop, extract) => // TODO FIXME no any // eslint-disable-line flowtype/no-weak-types histograph(weighted_sample_select(n, opts, prob_prop) .map((s) => s[extract] // TODO FIXME eslint-disable-line flowtype/no-weak-types));/******* * * Internal method generating names for edges for the hook lookup map. Not * meant for external use. * */const hook_name = (from, to) => JSON.stringify([from, to]);/******* * * Internal method generating names for actions for the hook lookup map. Not * meant for external use. * */const named_hook_name = (from, to, action) => JSON.stringify([from, to, action]);export { seq, arr_uniq_p, histograph, weighted_histo_key, weighted_rand_select, weighted_sample_select, array_box_if_string, hook_name, named_hook_name };