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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyexport type Node = string | DeferredNode;export type StreamableNode = null | Node | Iterable<Node> | AsyncIterable<Node>;export type Promisable<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;export type ComponentType<P = Properties> = ( props: P,) => Promisable<StreamableNode>;export type Children = any;export type Properties = Record<string, unknown>;export type AwaitedRecord<P> = { [K in keyof P]: Awaited<P[K]>;};export type TagName = string;export type AttrName = string;
export type Context = unknown;
export interface DeferredNode { id: string; children: Promisable<Children>;}
export type PlaceholderRenderer = (id: string) => string;export type SubstitutionRenderer = ( id: string, children: AsyncIterable<string>,) => AsyncIterable<string>;