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Various HTTP clients for miscellaneous use.
class WebApiClient
import { WebApiClient } from "";

Provides a base class for HTTP clients.


headers: Headers
baseUrl: string


buildErrorMsg(errorMessage: string, response: Response): string

Builds an error message from the given error message and response.

getResponseData<T>(response: Response): Promise<T>

Gets the data from an HTTP response.

clearHeaders(): void

Clears all of the HTTP headers.

containsHeader(name: string): boolean

Returns a value indicating whether or not an HTTP header with the given name exists.

getHeader(name: string): string | null

Gets the value of an HTTP header with a name that matches the given name.

requestDELETE(url: string): Promise<Response>

Deletes a resource by performing an HTTP request using the DELETE method.

requestGET(url: string): Promise<Response>

Gets a resource by performing an HTTP request using the GET method.

requestPATCH(url: string, body: string): Promise<Response>

Updates a resource by performing an HTTP request using the PATCH method.

requestPOST(url: string, body: string | object | Uint8Array): Promise<Response>

Creates a resource by performing an HTTP request using the POST method.

requestPUT(url: string, body: string): Promise<Response>

Modifies a resource by performing an HTTP request using the PUT method.

updateOrAddHeader(name: string, value: string): void

Updates or adds an HTTP header with the given name and value.