import { GitClient } from "";
Provides a client for to perform git operations for a GitHub repository.
Initializes a new instance of the GitClient class.
repoClient: RepoClientMethods
addCommit(branchName: string, commitMessage: string): Promise<void>
Adds a commit with the given commitMessage to a branch with the given branchName.
branchExists(name: string): Promise<boolean>
Gets a value indicating whether or not a branch with the given branch name exists.
createBranch(newBranchName: string, branchFromName: string): Promise<GitBranchModel>
Creates a branch with the given newBranchName from a branch that matches the given branchFromName.
getAllBranches(): Promise<GitBranchModel[]>
Gets all branches for the repository.
getBranches(untilPredicate?: (branch: GitBranchModel) => boolean): Promise<GitBranchModel[]>
Gets a list of branches for a repository.