import { TagClient } from "";
Provides a client for interacting with GitHub GIT tags.
Initializes a new instance of the TagClient class.
getTagsInternal(page: number, qtyPerPage: number): Promise<[TagModel[], Response]>Gets a page of tags for a repository.
exists(tagName: string): Promise<boolean>
Searches for a tag with the given tagName in a repository that matches the TagClient.repoName.
getAllTags(): Promise<TagModel[]>
Gets all of the tags in a repository with a name that matches the TagClient.repoName.
getTagByName(tagName: string): Promise<TagModel>
Gets a tag with the given tagName in a repository with a name that matches the TagClient.repoName.
getTags(page: number, qtyPerPage: number): Promise<TagModel[]>
Gets a page of tags for a repository.