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Various HTTP clients for miscellaneous use.
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Write-Host -NoNewline "Please enter an issue number: " -ForegroundColor Cyan;$issueNumber = Read-Host;
if ($issueNumber -notmatch '^\d+$') { Write-Error "User input is not a number"; exit 1;}
Write-Host -NoNewline "Please enter a branch name: " -ForegroundColor Cyan;$branchDescrip = Read-Host;
$branchDescrip = $branchDescrip.ToLower();$branchDescrip = $branchDescrip.Replace(" ", "-").Replace("_", "-");$branchDescrip = $branchDescrip.TrimStart("-");$branchDescrip = $branchDescrip.TrimEnd("-");
$headBranch = "feature/$issueNumber-$branchDescrip";$commitMsg = "Start owrk for issue #$issueNumber";
$destBranch = "not-set";
$baseBranches = @("main", "preview");Write-Host -NoNewline "Please choose a base branch from the list [$($baseBranches -join ', ')]: " -ForegroundColor Cyan;$chosenBaseBranch = Read-Host;
if ($baseBranches -contains $chosenBaseBranch) { $destBranch = $chosenBaseBranch;} else { Write-Error "Invalid base branch."; exit 1;}
Write-Host "`n--------------------------------`n";
Write-Host "Creating branch. . ." -ForegroundColor Yellow;git checkout -B "$headBranch";Write-Host "";
Write-Host "Creating empty commit. . ." -ForegroundColor Yellow;git commit --allow-empty -m $commitMsg;Write-Host "";
Write-Host "Pushing branch to remote. . ." -ForegroundColor Yellow;git push --set-upstream origin "$headBranch";Write-Host "";
Write-Host "Creating PR. . ." -ForegroundColor Yellow;gh pr create -B $destBranch -b "" -t "new pr" -d;